Chapter Fifteen

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Calin stared at the screen of my cell, his lips a thin line of concern, and Dr. Stanzo began to pace. Her mouth moved like she was mumbling but no sound emerged. She paused to take my phone and then began pacing again, tapping it as she moved and continued to mutter silently.

Calin caught my eye and I shrugged. We both went back to watching Dr. Stanzo pace. She didn't even notice us, like we no longer existed. Back and forth, she continued to mark a path until the scuffs on her shoes were irrelevant, her shoes fit only for the garbage disposal.

"Do you want to call—?"

"Shh." Dr. Stanzo held up her hand, cutting Calin off. She paused, then nodded, a single movement that held no room for uncertainty. She walked back to us and held out her hand. "Put your phone away, Nora."

"But—" I looked to Calin as I took my phone, confused. "What about Devland?"

"I will call your father," she said. She pulled her phone from the front pocket of her blazer and waved it in the air. "Now, Calin says you remembered everything since leaving the hospital?"

I nodded. "There's a little gap from when I got to the Manor and meeting you, but yes. I remembered what happened after we went running."

"What about what just—?"

Dr. Stanzo held up her hand, once again cutting Calin off. He scowled from behind her and I bit my cheek to keep from laughing. She was still watching me, her gaze narrowed. I felt inferior sitting in Calin's car with her staring down at me, literally like I was beneath her. It felt wrong.

She turned abruptly and paced four steps away before beginning to dial on her phone. I looked at Calin and shrugged, and then watched her. Already limited to hearing one side of the conversation, I didn't want to miss a single word.

"Mr. Devland, please," Dr. Stanzo said, her tone clipped and professional.

I held my breath as she tapped her foot and Calin watched without blinking. She still wouldn't look at us, but I could sense her tension. Standing up to a man like Devland seemed like it would be difficult, though the effect he had on others must have skipped me. Whatever intimidation tactics he used were just... useless. So far. But having to phone Devland and fabricate an excuse for why his daughter was late and didn't call? If I were Dr. Stanzo, I wouldn't want an audience, either.

"Yes. Hello, Sir," she said and stopped tapping her foot while listening to whatever his reply was. She nodded and took a deep breath. "Yes, Sir. Well, that's why I am calling. Nora is with me." She grimaced with his reply. "No, I—"

Calin ducked his head to hide his smile and looked at me. He winked. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him by focusing on Dr. Stanzo again. But each time my eyes darted back, he was watching me, and that made me very aware. It made it difficult to think of anything but him, though I still wanted to hear what Dr. Stanzo planned to say.

"Okay. No. Nora is just fine," she assured. "I'm aware class was out early, yes. She came to me at my office and I canceled the rest of my appointments for the day."

Calin raised his eyebrows. Canceled her schedule? Dr. Stanzo was laying it on thick to make Devland think I was a priority. I guess, at that moment, I was. I just hoped that making Devland think I needed the extra attention didn't make him keep me home from school, or that he didn't have a way of checking for accuracy. I didn't want Dr. Stanzo jeopardized because she found it in her heart to help me when I obviously couldn't help myself.

"No. I told you, she's fine. I took her for a walk and lost track of time. I apologize," she said. "We're still a ways away, though, so I was thinking we'd grab a bite  to eat on the way back. If that's alright with you?" She paused and then said, "Yes, Sir. There has been a great amount of progress. We'll see you in a few hours. Thank you, Sir."

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