1 bed

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Baby hummed softly as Dean and Cas rode down the highway. They had just finished a week long hunt and were dead tired. Cas was falling asleep, his head against the glass .

The hunt had started simple enough, girl goes missing in forest on a full moon. Should be simple enough, find the werewolf kill it and get out of town, turns out that it wasn't a werewolf it was vampires a whole nest of them. So needless to say they were tired, sore, and hungry.

Dean saw a billboard 'five star hotel take exit 13' he smiled and decided to treat himself and Cas, they deserved it after the case and hell its a long drive back to the bunker.

Just as Dean pulls into the slightly crowded parking lot Cas wakes up "Huh? Dean what's goin' on?" Cas says groggily as he rubs his eyes.

Dean smiles as he sees this "we're staying in a hotel Cas, a good one" he says as he stifles a yawn with his hand. "You get the stuff and I'll get us a room alright?" Dean says, and Cas nods.

Dean walks in and the greeter smiles at him from the front desk. He smiles back and notices how she try's to slyly unbutton a button on her shirt. He smirked "Hey darlin' any open rooms?" He asked hoping she'll give him a deal.

She quickly types something into her computer "We have one, I'm afraid it's a bit expensive, it's a Royal Suite" She says smiling and Dean smirks.

'Time to use the Winchester charm' He thinks to himself as he leans on the desk with one arm. She smiles and leans closer to him "how much is it?" He asks and she looks away.

"Usually $300 per night but since you're such a gentleman $100 honey" she says, licking her lips and Dean smiles "Thanks cutie pie" he says handing her his credit card. She giggles and blushes and swipes his card "sign here Mr. Young" she says smiling and he signs.

She hands him the key and he heads outside to Cas, he shows him the key and smiles "Royal Suite" Dean says smiling

Cas tilts his head and dean can't help but smile a bit more, 'that head tilt is so cute' he thinks to himself "but we're not Royals" He says and Dean shakes his head "No Cas it just means it's a fancy room" Dean says as he takes his bag from Cas and starts toward the room. As they walk to the room Cas can't help but check Dean out a little, he's wearing tighter jeans than usual 'He must've ran out of his usual jeans' Cas thinks to himself as Dean catches him looking. Dean ignores it as usual.

When they get to the room Dean puts the key in and steps in the room Cas follows. Dean sighs as he drops his bag and kicks off his shoes, then he stops... There was a problem. There was only one bed. Dean stared blankly at the bed then looked at Cas. Cas tilted his head and looked at dean, "Dean, I thought you got US a room" he said, confused.

"I did, I guess there was just a misunderstanding with the greeter." He says as he strips off his leather jacket and hangs it up. "Still a nice room though" he says looking around, king sized bed, mini bar, huge bath and shower combo, the whole shebang if only it just had two beds well... this room was made for couples and not just friends like him and Cas.

"Hey Cas, Imma take a shower, I think I still have vampire guts on me. we'll figure out the bed situation after" Dean says as he grabs a new pair of boxers and an old T-shirt.

As Dean starts the shower Cas slowly takes off his trench coat and hangs it up next to Deans leather jacket. Cas then takes off his shirt, shoes and pants. He slips on one of the shirts Dean gave him to sleep in and some pants that Sam gave him too and laid down in the bed, the memory-foam felt amazing.

Dean got out of the shower clean, relaxed and ready to sleep. He walked to the bed and saw Cas, he looked so peaceful and Dean didn't want to wake him up so he just decided to let Cas sleep. What's the harm in doing that they're just friends right?

Dean jolts up, sweating and panting, he had the dream again, he wipes his face on his shaking arm and looks at the clock, 3:35 AM. He gets up as quickly and quietly as possible and starts putting on his pants and shoes, he doesn't notice Cas is awake until he hears him get up too.

"Dean what's goin' on?" He says confused and concerned as he grabs his angel blade. Dean just shakes his head

"I-it's nothing.." he mumbles and Cas knows something's wrong, Cas puts down his angel blade and walks up to dean and gently touches his arm, Dean flinches away at first but leans into it.

"Dean, tell me what's going on" Cas whispers gently as he guides them to the bed. Dean shakes his head
"Just a-a bad dream" he says trying to shrug Cas off but Cas tightens his grip on deans arm a little and Dean sighs "I had a nightmare. Usually I can deal with them but they've been getting worse..." He mumbles and Cas nods, he knows what it's like to have nightmares, he rarely has his own but he knows both Winchester's do, Sams have gotten better since Gabe started sleeping in Sams room with him.

"Go on Dean, what makes these nightmares different?" He asks as he starts to rub calming circles on Deans arm Dean relaxes a little

"It's like I'm back in hell.." he whispers and Cas shudders hell is not a fun place  to dream about. "Only no ones coming to get me... like I call out for help... I scream and beg for you, for Sam, hell even for Crowley's help, but no one shows up, nothing happens, I just stay there.." he whispers and looks at the bed and Cas frowns slightly.

"Dean, I will always be there when you call for me" He says softly as he gently lifts up deans chin with his free hand and looks in his beautiful green eyes. Dean smiles and something in him breaks as he leans forward and kisses Cas softly and with all the love he has for him, Cas is shocked at first but kisses him back. After a few seconds Cas pulls away "Are you feeling better?" He asks softly as he strokes Deans cheekbone, Dean nods and Cas smiles and kisses his forehead, adding yet another freckle to Deans face.

They go back to bed, Dean nuzzled in Cas's chest and Cas's face buried in Deans hair. When they return to the bunker holding hands Sam and Gabe aren't at all shocked, the only reaction is Sam passing Gabe $10 and a nice warm dinner.

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