Deans girl

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A little backstory, you're an amazing hunter and you're hunting a vampire alone at night.

You're walking through the forest, you're listening closely but all you can hear is your own heartbeat in your ears. You start heading toward your car, a little disappointed that you didn't make any progress, when you hear footsteps. You freeze and still hear them for a second until they stop too, you carefully turn around and sneak back to where you just were. You see the vampire but before you can do anything you're tackled down to the ground and there's a knife to your throat. You freeze for barely a second before reacting and kicking him off you and taking his knife out of his hand, you then kneel over him with the knife to his throat

Before you can ask who the hell he is you hear a gun click behind you
"Get off him or I shoot" you hear a voice say behind you, you hold the knife tighter as you get up, and as you turn around you see a 6'4" man pull up the other man, still pointing the gun at you, the other man pulls out a flashing and shines it in your eyes, you cover them due to the brightness

"You okay Dean?" He asks and the other guy nods "The Vamp knows how to fight" dean as you now know says laughing slightly.

"Wait, Dean as in Dean and Sam Winchester?" You ask, shocked

"Yeah your nest probably has myths about me" He says cockily and you roll your eyes

"I'm not a blood sucker you ass, you scared the real one away" you say as you bear your teeth to prove to them you're not a vampire "I'm Lenora, remember I saved your asses back in Tallahassee ages ago" you say and Sam and dean stop for a second.

"Hold on, we need to test you first" Dean says as Sam gets out some salt, holy water and an silver blade. You go through the whole thing and prove you're really you. When you're done you grab your gun.

"Son of a bitch L! How ya been?" Dean asks as Sam pats your shoulder

"Pretty good, I was in the middle of a hunt before-" you see something run behind Dean
"DUCK!" You yell, Sam and Dean both duck and you shoot the vampire causing it to scream and give Dean enough time to cut it's head off, as you watch this you blush slightly, 'god he's hot' you think to yourself. You burn and salt the body with them you start heading toward your car "know a good hotel around here?" You ask and Dean nods,

"just follow us" he says and you do as he says and soon you arrive at a 3 Star motel

"Treating yourselves I see" you say sarcastically as you get a room. Dean rolls his eyes and Sam pulls a bitch face

"Oh shut it" Dean says and you chuckle lightly. You get your room, one door down from Sam and Dean and you take a shower to get off all the grime and vampire on you. You finish your shower and put on an oversized Flannel and a pair of pajama shorts.

You're laying on your bed reading some book about some girl who falls in love with a werewolf and a vampire. 'It's ridiculous! How would the girl even survive? Vamps need blood!' You think to yourself when you hear a knock at your door. You grab your knife and check to see who it is to your surprise it's Dean, you unlock the door and invite him in. Right as you do so he lunges at you, pushing you to the floor, luckily you're still holding onto your knife so you stab him as hard as you can, knowing it's not dean because Dean wouldn't do this, the shifter as you now know it is shrieks and pulls the knife out, that gives you enough time to kick it in its chest and knock it over you have it pinned down when Sam and Dean rush in, guns drawn

"Lenora you Alright?" Dean ask his voice heavy with concern as you stab the shifter in the heart it dies with one last scream. You get up, panting slightly and nod

"Just a shifter, nothing I couldn't handle" you say as you notice a slight sting in your arm, you turn your arm to look at it and see a large wound. You cover it with your hand "would you guys mind putting that out back so I don't have a dead body in my room?" You ask, trying to get them out of your room, it works and they go and take the body out back. You carefully strip off your flannel, leaving yourself in just a tank top and pajama shorts. You're in the bathroom cleaning your wound when you hear someone knock "give me a second!" You shout thinking it's hotel management asking about the screaming. You hear the person knock again and you sigh.

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