Wolf's Bane

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Right now, I'm crammed in Derek's car, which Scott is driving. We're being tailed by Kate Argent, who thinks she's following Derek. Speaking of Derek, he's busy chasing down a lead on the alpha, tearing through Beacon Hills while we play decoy for the hunters. Essentially, we're the bait.

"Faster?" Scott asks, glancing in the rearview mirror.

"Much faster," I reply urgently.

Scott presses the accelerator, and the car surges forward.

"Scott, I don't think you're fully grasping the concept of a car chase here," Stiles says from the back seat.

"If he goes any faster, he'll kill us," I defend Scott, my knuckles white from gripping the door handle.

"Well, if he doesn't go faster, they'll kill us," Stiles retorts, his voice edged with panic.

Scott floors it, and the car rockets ahead. Stiles' police scanner crackles to life, an urgent voice spilling from the speakers. "All units, suspect is on foot heading into the ironworks."

Scott swerves into the ironworks, and I spot Derek crouched behind some machinery, hiding from Mr. Argent, who is armed and ready to shoot.

"Get in!" Scott yells, and I scramble to the back seat with Stiles.

Derek dives into the car just as bullets riddle the area, narrowly missing us. Scott peels out, tires screeching, and we speed away, the bulletproof windows providing a thin layer of security.

"Are you okay?" I ask Derek, my voice trembling with concern.

"What part of 'laying low' did you not understand?" Scott yells over his shoulder.

"Dammit, I had him," Derek growls, frustration clear on his face. "He was right in front of me until the cops showed up."

"Who? The alpha?" Stiles asks, his eyes wide.

"Yes! He was within reach, and then the damn police arrived," Derek snaps.

"Whoa, hey, they're just doing their jobs," Stiles says, trying to calm Derek down.

Derek glares at Stiles before turning his ire to Scott. "Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!"

"Can we seriously get past that?" Scott snaps back.

"Never," I interject, sticking my head between them.

"I made a dumb mistake, I get it."

"Alright! How'd you find him?" Stiles asks, eager to defuse the tension.

Derek hesitates but eventually responds. "The last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring out something. She found two things: a guy named Harris—"

"Wait, our chemistry teacher?" I interrupt, baffled.

"Why him?" Scott asks, equally confused.

"I don't know yet," Derek says, frustration clear in his tone. "The second thing was some kind of symbol."

He pulls out a piece of paper and shows us a drawing of a wolf inside a circle. Scott sighs deeply.

"What? You know what this is?" Derek asks, sensing Scott's recognition.

"I've seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace," Scott says, his voice heavy with realization.

"That's just terrific!" I say sarcastically, sinking back into my seat.

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I moan softly as Derek kisses my neck, his body moving rhythmically against mine. "Please stop," I murmur, though my voice betrays me, coming out as a plea for more.

PLAYER | DEREK HALE Where stories live. Discover now