Chapter 1: Death Comes to Hell's Kitchen

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If she had known what he was going to do was going to make her job ten times worse, Dani would've kept her brother from doing what he was. Patients were everywhere and it only got worse as night fell. After helping Claire with her "special" friends, it was hard to get one of the good shifts since they pissed off all the wrong people to get them.

Tensions were high that night as gang member after gang member found their way in. Dani got in front of one, forcing him back down on the gurney. "Unless you want to stitch that yourself, you'll sit down and wait." She spotted a man in a tie, wandering around. She snapped her fingers to get his attention. "Hey, you. What are you in for?"

"I'm looking for Claire. Claire Temple."

"She's busy," she answered, moving past him to get to the nurse's station.

"I need to talk to her. It's urgent."

Dani's eyes widened, as recognition finally set in. "Wait, you're that guy from the Fisk case right? One of the lawyers?"

"Foggy Nelson," he answered.

Her brows furrowed. "What the hell kind of a name is Foggy?"

"Hey, listen up." Claire and a team came through the door, another member on the gurney. "Police are waiting to take you into custody. The last thing I need is for you to come back here in two weeks, asking what happened, and blaming one of our people for your mistakes. Hey, so let me put this simply. Yesterday, you had five fingers. But tonight, you got loaded and decided to hit up a rival clubhouse. So now you have two."

"We're at war, lady," he told her.

"Listen to me. Had five. Now two. Your fault. That clear?" She waited until he nodded his head. "Good. The meds should kick in soon." They wheeled the man out, Claire getting some hand sanitizer.

Dani called out, "Claire, one of your boyfriends is here."

Claire sighed at the sight of the lawyer. "Shit. C'mon."

The two of them started to follow her into the next room, Foggy looking nervously over at Dani. "I need to talk to Claire alone-" he turned to her "-about our mutual friend."

"You can trust Dani," she said. "She won't say anything."

"Why?" Foggy asked.

"If this is about one of her 'special' friends," Dani said, "I've proved myself a few times that I can be trusted. Now, tell us what you what you want."

"This is really not a good time," Claire told Foggy as Dani handed her scissors.

"What's going on in here?" he asked.

"You tell us," said Dani. "We have patients stacked up in four halls."

"Look, I get it. You're up to your eyeballs. But I got a problem too, and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't good and goddamn urgent. I'm looking for a certain mutual friend of ours." Foggy directed the last part at Claire.

The man on the table jumped slightly. "Ouch! Careful, bitch."

Dani raised an eyebrow at him. As much as she loved being a nurse, there were times she wished she could slap a patient upside their head. Claire took a beat to breathe before snipping the thread. "I haven't seen him. I've been on ER duty all month. No breaks. I haven't been able to walk outside of these walls lately."

"Sounds like you pissed somebody off," he said.

Claire sighed. "Yeah, I'm getting really good at that."

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