It was an adventure
Something we have never experienced before
But adventures are usually fun
You end up with a happy ending
But this adventure was heart wrenching, devouring,
and soul taking
It snuffed out everything I ever lovedSee this adventure involved us fighting a dragon
That dragon, Cancer
He kicked our butts
Yeah... We lostHe took you right along with him
He took everything I had in me too
Leaving me empty
So empty that if you reach inside
You would never find an endYou were my sun
I revolved around you
Yet he was our black hole
Thus he ate everything we had and were
That dragon, CancerOnce you were gone
And I realized I could not get you back
I cursed that dragon, CancerSo I lay here and wait
Waiting for the day
I can see you again
And we can be happy again
But until that day
I will forever curse
That dragon, Cancer