Chapter # 02 Elizabeth's suggestion

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There were only torn pages of a book, his broken stationery and a dirty cap. I looked throughout the whole field but all students have been dispersed before I came so yeah I was late. I couldn't even see that young man for miles and also neither that boy nor that girl. The faces of others were un-noticed. "I don't know whether to report this case since bullying is strictly prohibited in the campus but people still do it. This is so unfair." I felt sympathies towards that young man. I gathered the pieces of papers of that book, one word which was clear on that piece was photosynthesis from which I assumed that that young man is a science student.

Next day when I went out after taking my morning class with Elizabeth, I decided to head towards the students' affairs department regarding yesterday's incident since an example should be set so that no one ever tries to do such a stupid and heart wrenching act in future. "Eli.. I am going to the department of students affairs." I said to her while changing my way towards stairs. Elizabeth took her cell phone out of her pocket to check whether there was any meeting called today as she was also the member of this club then she said, "But there's no meeting called today of all the members then what sort of work do you have there?" She looked at me with questioning eyes. I replied hesitantly since I wanted to report this case anonymously, "Actually I saw some students bullying an innocent student yesterday tearing his book, breaking his stationery and mocking at him and you know that bullying is a condemnable act and it has serious consequences on the victim. You know that right so I just wanted to bring this issue in the notice of the club which avows to protect the rights of the students." Elizabeth replied after a short pause, "Um.. That's okay but who were those students? Do you know them? Anyone?" I said, "No, that I don't know." Elizabeth then suggested me that I should wait because without revealing the identities of the students it seems useless to report the incident so she thinks I should wait and find out whether it's a norm of those students or they just did only on that day.

We walked outside the building when to my utter surprise I again saw that group of students sitting by the side of building passing defamatory remarks on the same student. I was able to hear roars of 'Battery... Battery.' Then one of them threw banana peel on the floor which the victim didn't give notice to and he slipped and they laughed again. I got furious and this time Elizabeth also saw this whole incident with me. I turned back heading towards my way to the department. Elizabeth grabbed my arm and stopped me. She said, "It's good to have sympathies but these sympathies will render you in hot waters." I replied, "Eli.. I didn't get you." She asked, "Do you know who they were?" I said, "I know only one of them, I know Mike. He was in my class in the previous semester when he misbehaved with the professor due to which he had to drop that course. His character is not good from the beginning." Elizabeth added, "And do you know his family?" I shook my head in negativity. She informed, "His father is one of the reputable and influential person of this country that's why even because of his bad and annoying character he has managed to study in the finest university of UK. Anyone who complains against him has to deal with severe consequences. You remember Laila who committed suicide last year. She has gone through the same thing. She complained for his misdemeanor with her and ended up killing herself. You can imagine her state of mind through which she might have gone through. Her sister published this whole on facebook from where I came to know all this. And that girl Stella, she also belongs to the filthy rich upper class. She can also do anything with the help of money, mind it! Their group is very strong and 5 people Mike, Stella, Velma, Hamzah and Nicole are there in it, don't know about others. Being your well wisher I think you should not put your hand in crocodile's mouth. You are here to study and you are on top. Do not put that at stake for these foolish acts." I became very worried after hearing Elizabeth's long speech and once again my conscience came in light like it did before (past), "But abba (father) Ahmer himself has been in USA for higher studies immediately after his A-levels. Palwasha (Ahmer's sister) also went to Europe for an exchange program so why can't I? Why is there the restriction only on me? It's just for two years. Don't they have trust on me?" My father replied, "I am with your stance. We can have a chat with your taya (uncle) and Ahmer together as he is here. I hope that we convince them." I nodded.

"Zoya.. Zoya.." Elizabeth called my name two times and I stopped reminiscing. "If you are not satisfied with what I said I have another idea!" I asked with curiosity, "Yes tell me what's that?" Let's eat before I tell," Elizabeth said and we headed towards the cafeteria.

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Share your valuable feedback on bullying ? Should it be acceptable in society? If yes then why, if no then why not ? 

The best of the reasons will be given a chance to be featured in the end of the chapters along with the name, so good luck! 

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