In the Beginning

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You smile as you watch the little girl beside you giggle. She has light brown hair pulled up in two pig tails. She giggles again, playing with a toad she found in the woods. Her name was Jenny. The sweetest creature you had ever had the pleasure of meeting. Other than your husband of course.

You and Keaton had met in college. He was a forensic scientist. He had blonde hair almost so light it looked white. His eyes were a piercing blue that had managed to enchant you.

He sat down beside you and kisses your cheek. "I'm going to go get the fire ready. You can take Jenny for a swim if you like." She perked up and nodded. "C'mon Mom!" she said turning and running into the water. You smile and run into the warm water after her. You had found this reservoir three months after you and Keaton had met.

You and Jenny splashed around for about an hour before a large rumble of thunder rolled through the sky. It was too close for comfort. You went to grab Jenny when you noticed her sinking to the rocky bed. You shouldn't of gone out so far.

You dove under the water and looked on in horror as your three year old struggled to free her small foot from under a large rock. You swam over and pushed against it as hard as you could. She popped free and gasped for air as she broke the surface. Another rumble of thunder cracked and you tensed. Lightning was soon to follow. You pushed Jenny toward the shore.

She swam as fast as she could and reached the shore. Keaton hugged her tight and looked out to you in worry. The water had began to turn into a swirling mess. You had barely enough time to yell before you were swept under. Between the blues and greens you saw a wave of red light. Lightning cracked and you let out a muffled scream. The world darkened and a blanket of warmth surrounded you.


As your eyes fluttered open, a blinding white light caused you to close them once again. It took a second before you were able to focus on your surroundings. You were laying in a hospital bed. The beeps and drips of the machines filled your ears. The first thought that came to you was about your family.

You glanced for a remote and pressed the button for a nurse. She came in a few moments later. She had a look of surprise on her face. She had a very shrill voice that made you cringe. "Oh deary! You're up. The doctor just signed the papers to unplug you." You looked at her confused. You went to respond when you realized the dryness of your throat.

She smiled and got you a cup of water from the sink. She then proceeded to check you over. As you were being poked and prodded at, you began to try and recollect what had happened. Very little came to you. You looked to the nurse who was now taking your blood pressure.

"Excuse me Mam? Can you tell me what happened?" You questioned, your voice a bit clearer. She laughed softly. "Oh my yes! I should've done that before." She sat down beside you and fixed her dark red hair.

"The night the particle accelerator exploded you were out swimming when a bolt of lightning struck you. You had hit your head off a rock. It's easy to say you were unconscious. Your body was found by the owner of the land on the shore about ten months ago. He brought you here in his truck. It's a shame though, he found a young man and a young girl dead, hugging on the shore about a mile down."

An overwhelming wave of sadness washed over you. The nurse patted your arm. "It's okay love. I'm sure they didn't hurt. Even though a child predator deserves pain." She muttered the last part under her breath. Through your tears you scowl at the woman and yank your arm back. "That was my husband and daughter you daft cunt!" You yell. You sit up and go to push her. Before you touch her, she goes flying backward, knocking over a few trays. They clang to the floor.

The woman slammed against the wall and didn't move. You look on in horror. You rip the tubes and wires out of your arms and torso. You get up and run over. You check her pulse and let out a sigh of relief. She was still alive, just unconscious.

Another nurse came in, alarmed by the loud noise the trays created. She looked down at you and gasped. She turned and you could hear her run down the hall.

You panicked and looked around for clothes. A pile clothes were on the sofa for guests. A note was resting on top.

A gift from the hospital. Your clothes were lost. Enjoy!
-Central City Hospital

You smiled slightly and grabbed the out fit. At least you sorta knew where you were now. It was just a pair of jeans, a white tank top, a black leather jacket, and black converse. Just your type of clothes.

You pulled everything on and ran out the door. A security guard ordered you to stop, but the adrenaline was to much. You continued to run.

In the distance you heard the guard called a 10-19 to the police you assumed. It's a good thing you did track in college. You ran for another block or two until you reached a abandoned building. The doors on the outside were locked. You looked around desperately for another way in. The fire escape.

You ran over to the rickety old ladder and began climbing. A police vehicle arrived when you were about four floors up. It was followed by another one. The officers got out and aimed their weapons. "Come down now!" One of them yelled. "Wait I didn't mean to!" You yell back. You thrust your hands forward as to block the shots.

A huge burst of flames shot out of your palms and hit one of the cars. You looked at your hands in horror. You turned and continued to climb. Behind you, you heard an officer yell "12-18. Metahuman attack at corner of Broadway and Greenswell."

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