The Never-Ending Pain

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Barry's Pov

As I walked down the stairs, Joe and Iris came through the door. Iris looked at me with a curious twinkle in her eye.

"Where's our guest Barry?"

I motioned upstairs. "She's upstairs sleeping in my room. I was gonna crash on the couch."

Iris giggled.

I'll never understand girls.

Joe said nothing to me and walked to the kitchen. I looked to Iris for answers, but she just shrugged. She gave me a quick hug goodnight before she slipped up stairs to her room.

I turned and walked to the kitchen. Joe was there with an unhappy and stern expression.

"Hey Joe. What's going on?" I asked cautiously. I thought I had a vague idea of what it could be.

"I don't trust that girl Barry. She almost killed seven people today and was given nothing but comfort." his voice full of venom.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "She's scared and confused Joe. She didn't mean to."

Joe shook his head and snapped slightly. "Is she going to mean to kill you Barry?"

I furrowed my brow. "Joe, what are you talking about? Is this about what Cisco saw?"

He nodded.

"After you left with Y/N, I ran to catch Cisco. He said he saw her and you on a building and she used her powers to kill you Barry. I don't want that to happen." He said angrily.

"C'mon Joe, give her a chance."

He shook his head. "No Barry. Every time I ignore my gut feeling, something horrible happens. I don't want her in my house. And put a shirt on."

I wasn't even able to respond when he pushed past me to go upstairs.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Joe usually doesn't get so mad about anything. I can understand being hesitant, but if we don't trust her, she won't trust us.

I plopped myself on the couch and sighed. Why was this so hard?

Your Pov

The night was horrible. The silence was strangling me. There was no way I would sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, flashes of my family blinded me. My face was wet with tears and I was beginning to develop a headache.

I sat up and rubbed my face. Barry's alarm clock read 2:19. I ran my fingers through my hair. I just wanted to sleep. Was that to much to ask?

As I looked around the room, a burning sensation began spreading through my head. A huge a amount of adrenaline flooded my system and I had no idea why. My heart began beating at a inhuman rate. I tried to stand up but everything began spinning. I felt as if I was holding my breath too long and I NEEDED a new breath.

I tried once more to stand and leaned on anything I could for help. Barry. I have to get to Barry. I coughed and tripped slightly. I leaned my weight onto the stair railing. My head was spinning and pounding all at the same time. What do I NEED? I thought.

I stumbled down the steps and fell into the back of the couch. Barry didn't stir. I didn't understand how he couldn't hear the obnoxious ringing in my head.

I didn't mean to, but I began hitting him as hard as I could to wake him up. The pain was excruciating. Barry sat up confused but alert. He looked at me and his face went white. I began to cry because of the pain, and Barry pulled me onto the couch. The burning in my head increased, and I let out a small yell.

I pushed my hands to my ears to try to stop the feeling. Surprise, it didn't work. I looked into Barry's eyes and saw fear and confusion. He did the only thing I think he knew how to do. He pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back comfortingly. He stroked my hair and whispered into my ear that'd I'd be okay.

I felt my body begin to relax as we sat together. His bare skin was warm and inviting. I sat as close to him as I could without laying on him. Something tells me he wouldn't of cared if I did. He stroked my hair and rocked me. The feeling in my head slowly disappeared. After about a half an hour of sitting and breathing, he pulled away slightly.

"What happened Y/N? Are you okay?" I took a deep breath and slowly explained the sudden pain and need I felt. He nodded slowly as I spoke. "We can talk to Caitlyn in the morning before training. We'll figure it out. Okay?" I nodded, smiling thankfully. He stood up and took my hand gently.

"Let's go to bed." I stood slowly and he lead me back up to his room. His hands were soft and covered mine, making me feel protected. He lifted up the covers and helped me into bed. I was just about to get upset that he was leaving when he went over to the other side of the bed and climbed in next to me.

He propped his head up with his fist. "I'll be right here the whole night. Don't you worry." He said matter-of-factly. I nodded and laid down watching his eyes. He smiled and pulled me into him.

"Sleep well."

I didn't have a problem the rest of the night. Barry said "Everything was going to be alright." and I truly believed that in the moment.

Joe's Pov

That girl was nothing but trouble, I could tell. I rubbed my face and stood up. Something was up. I crept down the hall to Barry's room. The door was open slightly, and I peaked through.

Barry and that witch were curled up together nice and snug. Barry still hadn't put a shirt on. I growled and shut the door completely. I wasn't going to let her mess up my son's life. Something had to be done. I'm done watching my loved ones get hurt because I ignored my instincts.

Not this time bitch.

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