One Mistake After Another

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   The night had started off a bit slow, but promptly sped up once Barry had slowed down. He had been a little skeptical on the effectiveness of the serum you made. That ended once you forced him to down three shots in less than five seconds. Three beers, two full bottles of wine, countless shots, and a few margaritas later, Barry was out on the dance floor doing his thing.

   Currently he was head banging to Hit Me Baby One More Time. Cisco and Caitlyn had managed to keep their alcohol consumption to a minimum. You however had tried your best to keep up with Barry, but fell flat about an hour into the adventure. Free alcohol at a bar is never a good idea.

   Caitlyn had you sitting down at the table with your head resting on it. Basically looking like a bored kindergartener in the middle of class. You were mumbling something about something that nobody but you could understand. To you it was something like: Barry is such a good egg. It's probably a bad idea to ever do this again. He's a bean and needs to be protected. I want me a man that treats me like I'm a queen. Barry could do that I'm sure. My husband and daughter are dead and I'm thinking about Barry. I wonder how big his dick is?

   It was safe to say that even you didn't really know what you were talking about. To Caitlyn and Cisco you made even less sense. What they heard was: egg... bean... treats me good... dead... dick is...

   Cisco furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "It sounds like she was on a grocery shopping trip and then crashed the cart." Caitlyn laughed and took another sip of her drink. "I don't think that's what she's talking about."

   Barry drunkenly stumbled back over to the table and sat down right next to you. "Hey (Y/n)? Let's go dance!" he was very much wasted and sounded like a three year old. You raised your head and gave him the biggest, cheesiest smile ever. "Let's do it!" You went to stand up when Cisco grabbed your arm. "Make this count. We're leaving in about half an hour." You gave him a thumbs up and you and Barry made your way to the dance floor with great difficulty.

   The music was pounding almost as hard as your head. You swayed your hips wildly as Barry moved behind you. His hands rested on your hips and he began to gently kiss your neck. This was surprising, but you wouldn't remember in the morning so you just let him do his thing.

   You were in a cloud of drunken happiness. Barry was a good dancer. He was able to stick to the beat and match what you were doing. He spun you around so your chests were touching. You two locked eyes as you continued to sway. Whether the music was still playing didn't really matter.

   Barry broke out into a burst of tap dancing that made you break out into a fit of laughter. You grabbed his hand and he leaned down so you could get to his ear. "Let's go do something else." He smiled and nodded. "Lead the way."

   You giggled again as you two made your way through the crowd and to the exit.


The air outside the bar was cool and refreshing. There was a slight breeze that caused your hair to flow around freely.

You took off running, not totally sure where you were going. The thud of Barry's  shoes on the pavement behind you echoed through the streets.

   You reached a large courtyard and looked to the sky, and to the maze of glowing dots above. Barry joined and you stood there for awhile. Appreciating that much space was impossible  in such a short time.

   You spun around and around just staring up at the sky. Barry grabbed your hand, and pulled you back down to Earth. His eyes had a glow to them that made you smile. He laughed and you two began to slow dance to your own music. Barry spun you around and dipped you. A bubbly feeling overwhelmed you and your face grew red and hot.

   After the brief dance break you two had, Barry grabbed your hand and the both of you began walking down a worn sidewalk. You tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear and hid a small blush.

   An uneasy feeling began to grow in your gut. This night started off good, but you could tell it was going to go downhill fast.

   "Barry where are we going?" You asked, trying your best to push the feeling aside. Barry turned to you and gave you a very drunken laugh. The words he spoke next made the pit become deeper and much darker.

   "I think, we're going to go to my place, and I'm going to have sex with you." His speech was slurred and uneven.

   You laughed uneasily and shook your head.

   "No Barry. We're going home and we're going to sleep. In separate beds." You stated trying to be as clear with your words as possible.

   He laughed again and grabbed your waist and pulled you into a deep kiss. The shock killed your buzz almost indefinitely. You pushed his chest away and wiped your mouth with your sleeve. 

    "Barry. We met like two days ago. This has gone too far. It was fun in the beginning with a little flirting, but," you let your sentence trail off. You weren't going to say that the kiss wasn't good, it just wasn't at the right time. 

   Barry looked at you like a lost dog that had just been denied a t-bone steak.

   "But, but I saved you! You owe me!" He stated, raising his voice and taking a step toward you. 

   You squint your eyes and twisted your face in the way you would when someone says something stupid. 

"You're right Barry. I do owe you, but not like that." 

Barry grunted and took another step forward. 

"We were having such a fun time, and now you're going to ruin it." His whole persona had changed from one of drunk obliviousness into one of drunken annoyance and anger. You had seen that look more than once in your life. 

You took another step back and felt a well of fear build up in your chest. Barry may be drunk and angry, meaning slightly more vulnerable than usual, but that also made more unpredictable, more dangerous. 

You felt your back hit a concrete wall. It was one of those stupid plant boxes that construction workers build in courtyards and in other public places to add a bit of "nature".   

   Barry was now in your face. His sweet features were twisted into that of a hungry hyena that had just cornered a brush bunny.

   He placed his hands on either side of you on the concrete wall.

   "C'mon (Y/n)! Just a small one." He leaned in, his lips puckered. You took your chance and bit his lip. Hard. You'd be damned if you let Barry push you around.

   You pushed him away and made a run back to the bar you had escaped from less than forty-five minutes before.

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