The mayyit/Funeral 💔

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So my cousin and I was walking to the field when some one twirled me around and embraced me in such a warmed hug. And I realize it Uveshni my friend. "I told madam B.A.Seedat I am going to the bathroom. But I actually came here to see you and how you holding up.I want you to know that I am always here for you."
I just gave her a smile and then madam .B.A.Seedat came aswell and smiled at the both of us and told Uveshni that she can be with me until I leave school.
Just then the sir came out of his class and asked why was I crying so Rafeeah said that my brother just pasted away . And he open the field gate for her to call Zakir.

As we were walking to the office again, my science Teacher; she was also amazing and she came an enveloped me into a hug and she told me " may God be with you and have mercy on your brother he was a good boy." I gave the smallest smile I ever could. And we carried on walking into the office . And I bid farewell to Uveshni and thanked her for been by my side. And she said " I knows that I am not a Muslim and I cant come to the funeral so I would definitely phone you in the evening " I smiled at her and just like that we left .

We jumped in the car my Mumtaiz foi picked us up. And we were on our way to the hospital . As we were the family and had a right to see him before they take his body for ghusl(purifying of the body). So we arrived at the hospital and I entered the room and there in an empty room laid a hopeless soul-less carefree Wakeel . And he even had a smile on his face. My aunty had she told me that she was there when he took his last breath and that's was the last she will celebrated a birthday again. Her nephew passed away on her birthday the 10 February 2012.

I stood by Wakeels feet and just looking at him and every single memory played in my head . It played like a movie and I gasped and said to myself I am holding on this for life. It's the only thing I have and it's the best memories I ever shared with him.

Flash back

I had to look after my 5 nephews Sufiyaan ,Safwaan,Salmaan,Saeed and Saood . And they said they gonna sleep at our house. My cousin and his wife had to go for a function and my parents so we kids stayed at home. Wakeel and I had a master plan on making these kids scared. So I came in the lounge staring outside the lounge window which led to the front yard I gasped so loud and started weeping they all crowed me and asked what's wrong . I said there ... there .. .was a . . . A man he . . . Wal. Walked passed, they all scared now don't know what to do . Zakir and Safwaan said let's go see whose this guy . And just like that Wakeel came by the other entrance of the lounge with a knife in his hands and said boooo and we all said screaming . I knew our plan would work. Wakeel and I burst out laughing . And they knew we planned this . 😂😂😂


ow I am going to miss those memories. But I can treasure them forever. And then we left for home to get done with everything and sort the house out for the mayyit. I message Devashni(Wakeels gf)and informed her about the news and she was utterly speechless. And We reach home the house was amazingly clean . Thanks to our helper and my granny was home to see . I got into the house making arrangements for the mayyit/funeral cause as soo as the mayyit comes I am not allowed near my brother due to haidh(period). So I was helping everyone in the kitchen and with the food and everything. So the mayyit came and my Razi foi told me I cant come in the lounge as my brother laid there . And I understand cause we did learn in madrassah that if u in haid(period) you not allowed to be near the deceased body. So I didnt questioned it. The house was filled with familiar faces and unfamiliar faces. This was the biggest mayyit ever especially for a youngster.

I was standing outside against the car and some one came to stand next to me . It was a boy I had no idea who he was but since he know my name and know my life story he must be someone close to Wakeel I thought to myself. He snapped me out of thought when he said my name is Naweed and I am Wakeels best friend I saw you grew up . And I was okay.

In a distance I saw Devashni and she was with her mum standing on the grass . And then Uncle Zia came he runs all the mayyits. Uncle zia was very humble guy who would always be there if you call him he had an amazing personality and so he came to pick up the janazah (Wakeel) and my heart cracked in my chest and the pain was like daggers in my chest. And as everyone is holding the Janzah (the coffin box) and bringing it out of the house. I couldn't control myself and I cried soo much as I knew now he is going forever and ever and not coming back at all.

Allah took Wakeel away from me but Allah have his reasons. So I kept my composure and Naweed was there to support me where ever I went he followed me he was by my side thought out the 3 days . And my granny called my mum that night and said I have a boyfriend and where ever aasifa goes he goes with her and my mum started laughing and said no that's not her boyfriend its Wakeels best friend he grew up in front of me and he saw her grow up so he is just trying to comfort her and be with her and I know his a good boy. Just then Uveshni called just like she promised and I went to my room to speak to her.

Three days was over and my mum had to go back to hospital as she was still sick and under treatment for the next two months mum was in hospital. It was the most difficult few months of my life.

And back to school I went and I became so unsociable and I withdrew myself from everyone and because of that Hussain (my neighbour) thought he could take advantage of me . He took pictures of me and made me look like a beaver and send it to the entire school. Expect for me and my friends came to me and we took it the teacher we were at Madam N.khan and she spoke to him and he didnt listen after school he said he was going to hit me. I didnt take him serious and after school he gave me two blue eyes.

And I went home and stayed  in my room and didn't come out.
Zohra my friend then came to pick me up and I went to stay by her house for a few days and she and her mum was so amazing to me and told me the next day I must go straight to the office and tell them that I will not go to class until he is out of my class or they change my class and so in the office I sat until they make their decision.

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