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Camila's POV

The mystery fan account never replied. He never talked to me again, if you ask me . . . He's weird. And things are weird. Why were guys that I talk to tell me that they are Shawn?

Wait what if the guy that blocked me was Shawn . . .

What if he was really Shawn?

But not my Mendes?


What if I overreacted?

What if he thought I really died?

As if he heard me groaned I received a text;

Unknown: Hi?

I know it's him.

Camila: hey?

Unknown: so how have you been?

Camila: my life literally sucks, never been better

Unknown: haha good for you

Camila: haha whateveeeer

Unknown: so how have you been?

Camila: I told you, my life sucks

Unknown: i want a different answer isn't that obvious?

Camila: fine, I'm amazing!(^▽^)

Unknown: yeah right.

Unknown: I'm sorry.

Camila: nope, hey, you shouldn't be sorry, everything's fine with me. And it's my fault why'd you blocked me. I should be sorry, not you.

Unknown: is this Camila girl?

Camila: yeah the one who fooled you.

Unknown: uh oh, I thought I was talking to my girlfriend . . .

Camila: rub it on my face, won't you? ಠ_ಠ

Unknown: um

Camila: I understand if you got a wrong number to text and I don't care even if you're texting your girlfriend or whoever she was in your life. Because I don't care. I don't. Remember that.

Unknown: you sounded like a fucking jealous friend with special feelings towards me 😂

Camila: huh, really? :/

Unknown: oh, babe

Camila: it's Camila.

Unknown: and it's Cabello

Camila: right :/

Unknown: whatever babe!

Camila: c'mon it's C-A-M-I-L-A pretty far from B-A-B-E ( ̄へ ̄)

Unknown: tell that yourself, babe.

Camila: would you mind if I am the who'll block you this time?

Unknown: fine, Camila!

Camila: good!

Unknown: can we start again?

Camila: start what?

Unknown: Hi, I'm Shawn. And you are?

Camila: LMAO

Unknown: do you say LMAO out loud in a real life situation? I have never.

Camila: .....

Camila: fine. Hey, I'm Camila Cabello. It's nice to meet you Shawn.

Camila: I meant TEXT you.

Unknown: you too, Camila ❤

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