[AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fan fiction was intended to sit somewhere between the events of seasons 4 and 5. Certain events in season 5 somewhat invalidate it in the Core Reality of Legendary Defender, namely Pidge finding her Father. Whilst I prefer that my fan fictions feel at least vaguely possible in the Core Reality canon, there are potentially infinite alternate realities. I guess that's what this is. Also, this was supposed to be out in time for April 3rd. Oops. Missed that by just a bit. Real world stuff, multiple stories on the go, way too much editing and the ever-present foe of procrastination. Hope you enjoy regardless! In addition, now that Season 6 has ended... I guess I'm encouraged to finish this even more...]
Fool's Day
It was supposed to have been soft mountains by now. Instead it stubbornly remained a white lake. Sugar, eggs and a good whisking. Simplicity itself you would assume, to turn such a simple set of ingredients into their desired form. Of course, being in deep space in a part of the universe that Earth probably can't even see much less have a name for makes the procurement of ingredients somewhat difficult. Sugars are simple enough. Common throughout the universe, much to the dismay of the dentists of the universe. Eggs though, chicken's eggs. Knowing the exact chemical composition of an egg would be tricky. It's not something you usually take with you on the average night out. Even if that potentially average night out ended up with an adventure in deep space, few people will ever have the forethought to take along such an oddly specific bit of data just in case. It was of course, far trickier to try then to explain your best guess of the chemical composition to a multiple millennia old machine whose primary language is far more complex than your own. The task was made more difficult again factoring in having to work through a translator who only partially understands Earth himself. The translator who in turn tried to relay his fragmented understanding of your best guess to said machine. To put it simply, making an artificial egg substitute was pretty quiznaking hard and Hunk was almost at his wits end. The fact the mixture - which was now mysteriously turning purple and starting to smell distinctly of feet - provoked a low groan from the Yellow Paladin. He hurled the latest batch of failed meringue into the waste disposal with an outward breath of frustration, turning his attention to his current helper, an Altean whose splendid moustache curled with his smile.
"What's the Earth expression?" Coran offered with an upbeat tone, "Third Time's the charm...?"
Hunks tired expression sank further, "You must have really lost count, Coran..." He groaned, "That was already the eighth attempt..."
"Oh, I know that!" Coran still beamed, "But that means that the next attempt is nine. The third third attempt! That must be like...the charm squared! Cubed even! There's almost no way we can screw up this time!"
"I'm going to take a break, Coran..." Hunk groaned once more as he took a heavy flop into a nearby seat. He stared at the ceiling, wondering if somewhere in the cosmos he might somehow, some way, chance upon another chicken-like species. It seemed possible but knowing the universe...they'd either shoot jets of boiling acid, be allied with the Galra or both.
Coran nodded, stretching himself out and clicking a few joints in the process, "I'll just have a little jog then, grab me once you're ready to get cracking again! Ha! See, little shell humour for you there..." The Altean gent broke into a sudden jog on the spot before taking off into the corridor.
Narrowly avoiding a collision, Lance shot Coran a confused expression before returning to an oddly introspective one. Seemingly lost in thought, the once Blue now Red Paladin looked uncharacteristically downbeat as he slowly made his way into the kitchen, perching alongside Hunk.
"You look just like a freshly kicked puppy..." Hunk's joke not even provoking a smile, "So what's up man...?"
Lance shuffled uncomfortably, an obvious expression of anxiety on his normally placid features. "I'm not sure that I've got my Altean time to Earth time right... But, today's April right...?"
A Gift
أدب الهواةThe Month of April creeps up on our Paladins. One struggles to come to terms with still being so very far from home. Another only wants to comfort her and so hatches an elaborate plan... Lance would deny it, but he does have another very good reason...