Trust no one

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Kelly's P.O.V
Col. Donald, this can't be it really can't be, I turned and looked at Jameson who was also in shock, bcus he knows who he is.
  Like am dumbfounded right now, this man doing all these is really my dad's closest friend, like he knows almost everything about my dad, except from the few private things, he has a daughter about my age.
We've not really met because I don't go out, but her father visits us regularly. Now I know why I don't like this man from the beginning, the way he looks at everything inside our house when he comes like its his first time there, so many things I dislike about him, I never trusted this old cargo.

   Oh father, this isn't going to end well, he who wants to separate my world, my life, everything, I will destroy such person, I will so much destroy him and all his family. A hand held me from behind, it was Jameson he already knew I was angry and about to go out there.

  Please don't go there its too dangerous please am begging you, let's just go home, he spoke in whispers then from the bush covering us I peeped and saw my dad on his kneels begging him for something and he and some of his boys were laughing, his son  is also among them, before I could lunch out there, Jameson took me noiselessly out of there back to the horses, and we left but I cast one glance back and my dad was leaving, he was going to where I myself doesn't know.

Emperor martins
I had to meet him before going, so he would be sure that I truely left, when I got to our meeting point, he came out with his boys and his son. I don't even know what is happening, how did I not know that my own close friend was envious of me how come, but I had to beg him for a favour.

Hahaha the hero, you think you can be the hero forever, no not at all people like me also deserves that name you have, hahaha oh then they started laughing at me and pouring the wine they were drinking in front of me and on my clothes.

I just knelt down and begged him, please col. I beg you, please you can take everything, my house, my school, my everything thing, but please don't go near my daughter, please don't hurt her, she's innocent please, by now I was in tears, suddenly he burst out laughing, he told me to leave immediately, I got into my car and left, to where nobody ever knows who I am, this is painful, torture, but I know God will vindicate me, I know he will.

Kelly's P.O.V
I sat down on my window thinking about what has been going on for the past 3 weeks now, and all I could conclude on was TRUST NO ONE if my dad had known that his own friend can do this to him he will never believe. I even cancelled today's training because I'm not in my right mind for now, its just like a mission set for me to test my ability, but this isn't going to be easy at all, I must bring my father back at all cost.

   I don't even know the next plan of that wicked man, but from the look of things I won't last long here I must leave here, just as my dad said. I will go and acquire more knowledge and skills, because I know he wants to covet all my father's property, he wants to be in charge and if that should happen that means I will be under him, probably his daughter's maid, no way. For now let me get some of my things ready just in case because my dad taught me to always be ready.
       I got down from the window and packed a few things, ( because I don't really have the normal clothe my fellow girls wear, its warriors wear) so I had to pack just a few things, e.g my sword, small mouthed arrows, carved stick arrows, that looks like toothpick, once I throw it at an enemy it weakens the person for almost 22 hours, I packed those too, I made a mental note to buy a few English wear so I wouldn't look different from others. As I was packing I remembered that Jameson is supposed to follow me so I sent for him, and continued packing.

   After about 5 minutes there was a knock. "Yea come in"
Oh Jameson its you.

Miss you sent for me

That's right, I want you to start packing your things just.. case there is an emergency and.. and we have to leave to leave.

But miss we need to stay here and fight for the Master we ought to protect this place.

James what you're saying is true but have you thought of what will happen when col. Comes here with his boys, you think we can do this alone, if we don't surrender to him he would kill all the students in the Martial arts, that's how wicked he is. Now after all that we will surrender and be under him, probably his servants, how does that sound to you, and moreover my dad asked me to leave when its too much, that I should go somewhere far from here and plan on how to fight col. and bring him back, what do you think because as am seeing it we don't have time, he's going to be here tomorrow or next, its not a guess he will.
You have a point there Miss, I'll go and get a few things ready.

Before you go let's map out how we'll leave here. OK

    This is it, we won't leave until the day he comes, when he comes we simply face him like the final fight so he won't take us as weaklings, from now we lay ambush on them, once they come in we face them and fight, when the fight is too much we simply bring out the poisonous spear, the one made like toothpick, fix it each in the fingers and take them all down with it by the time they sleep and wake we would have been long gone, meanwhile our bags will be outside beside the walls we just jump through the walls pick our bags and leave unnoticed. We wont wear our uniform, we wear normal clothes so we wont be tracked. How do you see it.

He smiled and said, that's a perfect plan very very perfect, wow you've always been the brain, wow... But miss we should tell others so they won't be taken by surprise.
Yea please gather them let me speak to them.

Alright I will be right back.

I just sat back on the window and resumed my thought, where on earth do I know, where do I go from here, oh my God this is too much for me, am just 18 just two months ago march 16th.
It was the happiest day of my life things were going fine then until recently, ah I've really suffered, tell me which girl at my age doesn't have a boyfriend, not that I want any but that's normal life of a girl, although I cook and I stitch but its not like having your own mother teach you. I can't even remember who she is just her picture, I must have been thinking deeply because, I didn't notice Jameson beside me until he tapped me and  shouted "General"!!!!! Then I looked up and saw him.

Miss you're thinking too much its not good for your health, I knocked several times but you didn't respond so I got scared and decided to come in, I still Called your  name, not until I hit you and shouted, before you even saw me. Please take it easy, if you are thinking like this and  and you're alone its an easy way to kill you please don't think so much again.

I just smiled and thanked him
Thanks J its been too hard to forget about this, don't you see am passing through a lot, at my age am going through all these problems, ( by now I was crying profusely) first my mom now my dad, why is it me, why me J why. He came closer and hugged me and told me all will be fine.

Miss I know you can do this you can save your people from the hand of thus man, all you need is just a little time.
I nodded and cleaned my tears, he was looking at me with pity, and another type of emotion that I don't understand well I put that aside. Have you gathered them?

Yea, they're waiting outside

Alright let's go.

Author's note

😢😬😢😩 This isn't good at all, she has really suffered, argh it wasn't easy writing this part but all the same I hoped you enjoyed it, well if you didn't just comment and tell me where you didn't like in the story. Of course interesting parts are coming up, so keep reading.
Love y'all

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I remain


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