The Music Video

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I went home after a long day and started to think about what both Baekhyun and Felix said.I didn't know who to pick because either way I have to break a heart. I banged my head on the pillow like 50 times and finally I got a text.


 Jungkook: Hey Miri, sorry I sent you this late but do you want to come to the music video shoot tomorrow....i can pick you up if you want?

Miri: Sure why not, I can get my mind off things as well.

Jungkook: Are you okay?

Miri: Yeah I'm fine its just a lot of stuff happened today but I'm what time will you pick me up?

Jungkook: At 7


Jungkook: Well its gonna take us a while sooooooooo

Miri: Fine I'll wake up early this once!

Jungkook: Well I'll see you tomorrow and you should got to bed gn Miri.

Miri: Gn Jungkook.


After that I dind't know what happened but the next morning I found my phone on the floor and the covers on the floor. I woke up ...... it was 6:45.........OMG JUNGKOOK IS COMING IN 15 MINUTES AND I'M STILL IN BED. I got out of bed and wore jeans a hoodie and some sneakers, I let my hair down and did some simple make-up. I rushed downstairs brushed my teeth. I was in a such a hurry that I forgot to eat my breakfast. I heared a honk at the front of my house and went outside I got in JUngkook's car and off we went.

"Goooooooodmorning Miri" Jungkook said

"Goooooodmorning Jungkook" I said to laughing.

"So did you eat breakfast?" Jungkook asked?

I face palmed

"Nope" I said

"Good" Jungkook said

"WHAT..........YOU WANT ME TO DIE OF STARVATION???!!!" I shouted

"No... its just I have a surprise for you" Jungkook said bursting into laughter.

"Oh.....WHAT IS IT????" I was soooooo curious.

"Well you will just have to wait" Jungkook said

"UGGGHH" I said

We finally arrived at a place i think it was like a field but like an abandoned one. Although it was like abandoned it was beautiful.

 Although it was like abandoned it was beautiful

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"Soooooooo.......what's the surprise??" I said still curious

"You will see in one second" Jungkook said as he covered my eyes

"Woah what's happening" I said as I was confused.

"Don't's me" Jungkook said with a chuckle.

"Oh...ok" I said as I chuckeled.

"Okay so walk forward..........forward....forward...okay stop.......3....2....1.....reveal." Jungkook said

Jungkook removed his hands slowly and I opened my eyes slowly as well. My jaw dropped. There was a tent with SUSHI. It was so cute and almost romantic.


"You like it?" Jungkook said

"No" I said

"You don't?" Jungkook said turning sad

"I LOVE IT!" I said

A smile grew on his face he started to jump up and down with happiness.

"Okay let's go eat." Jungkook said

We ran to the tent and sat on some fancy chairs. We gulped it down since I didn't have breakfast....and to be honest.... I should start having sushi as breakfast more often.

"So how are you doing?" Jungkook asked

"Well right now I'm havi-

"Jungkook it's time to start the music video" The producer said

"Oh okay" Jungkook said with a frown.

Jungkook left and he looked sad I don't know why but anyway. The music video took about 5 hours to shoot....and finally......they finished! Jungkook came back with a smile on his face.

"Hey.... do you wanna hang here for a bit longer?" Jungkook asked

"I mean I don't have anything to do so....okayyyy" I said

We spent hours talking and chasing each other........I had a lot of fun to be honest... I never thought I would have this much fun.


"So are you feeling better?" Jungkook said

"What do you mean?" I said

"Well you said that you had some problem on text......are you feeling better?" Jungkook asked

"Oh.....kinda........its just a long story I'll tell you about it next time." I said

"Oh ok.....I mean now you can talk to me about anything cause now we are friends!!!" Jungkook said

"Yeeaaaaahhh ahahhaha" I laughed.

The sun was starting to go down and Jungkook and I stayed there and saw the sun go go was so magical. When the sun went down we got into Jungkook's car and we went back home and he drove me back to my house.

"So did you have fun?" Jungkook asked

"Yeah....a lot of fun" I said

"We should do this again" Jungkook said

"Yeah we should" I said smiling

We finally arrived near my house. I got out of the car and said goodbye to Jungkook. I went inside and the crisis I had didn't come to mind because all I could think about was the fun I had with Jungkook. I guess this is the start of a new friendship

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