Henry, Lucas, Evan

29 0 7

Eat Lunch with Henry and Lucas?

[❤️] Yes

Lucas: Really? Yaaaay! This way then! Our table is over here!

Lucas drags you by the hand to the table. Henry clickers and follows him. Both boys seem very happy that you've joined them for lunch. They get to the table and you sit down between the two of them. You can't help but feel eyes on your back. There is also a small boy sitting across the table.

???: Uh, oh! Another person? Well... uh...

Lucas: Oh, Evan! You're here with us?

So the small boy's named Evan. He had solemn and shy green eyes, pale skin, and blonde hair. He was very cute and small, but the way he was sitting made him come off as very shy and modest. You decide not to tell him he's cute.

Evan: Y-Yeah. Michael is absent today. He had a con today.

Henry: An anime expo?

Evan: Yeah...

Evan looked down at his hands under the table before looking up at you. He flashes you a small smile so you are compelled to do the same. You then look at Henry, who seems to be in his own little world and humming the tune to This is Halloween from The Nightmares Before Christmas in between small, polite bites. Then you look at Lucas. He has his twin sloces of pizza. He slides one over to Evan, who had no food. 

Evan: Thanks....

Lucas: No problem! Anything for a friend!

Then Evan and Lucas start talking about who knows what. You look at your food tray. You couldn't get the pizza because your parents out you on the Academy's meal plan. It didn't look very appetizing. You pursed your lips. Then you feel a tap on your shoulder.

Henry: Yeah, wise not to eat that. A kid named Jimmy Heartfelt got food poisoning from eating the cafeteria food every day for a week. Maybe at least once or twice have an al la carte. I can see why you don't want it. Watch this!

Henry took his fork and poked what was supposed to be the meat. Then, it started wobbling like jello. It flailed a little bit before calming down. Classic cafeteria food is shit cliché. Henry cackled a laugh that would send anyone shivers. It sounded evil, but he didn't seem like the evil type. You looked at him, curious.

Henry: Oh, right. My laugh. I forgot that a lot of people find it weird. Nyah ha...

Henry rubs the back of his neck. You feel lots of eyes on you. But he seemed so kind and embarrassed, of couldnt help but Giggle[Girl] Chuckle[Guy] at his little moment. You then took your finger and poked it, watching it flail around again.

You: [Cute] It's weird! [Spooky] Cool! [Flirty] Kinda like a heart, but mine's beating faster~ Ha Ha! But seriously this is weird. [Modest] ... creepy.... [Smart] That doesn't look very safe to eat...

Henry: Nyah ha! I know! Listen, I don't mind giving you a slice of pizza. I always buy one extra in case someone suffers from the meal plan. And if not I just give it to Michael... who isn't here... Whoops. But yeah, you can have it!

He slides you the slice of pizza and you eat it happily over the slop the cafeteria feeds you. Lucas and Evan had finished talking and Lucas stands up and walks over to Henry, wringing his arm around his neck and plopping down next to him in between him and Evan. Evan scoots away shyly, but closer to you. He turns to you.

Evan: Uh, well, what's your name?

You: [Cute] He he! I'm (name)! [Spooky] (name), why? [Flirty] (Name), but you can call me whatever you want baby~ [Modest] Oh! I'm (name)... [Smart] My name is (name), it's a pleasure.

Evan: (name) Huh? ...that's a very n-nice name...

That was cute, you can't lie. This little shy Boi was cute and you couldn't stand it. You smiled at him and he smiled back. A nervous smile that is. Evan nervously smiled back. You both then looked up to see the other two boys finished with their conversation.

Lucas: So! Henry and I are going to the movies! You want to come?

Henry: It's a scary movie, so don't blame us if you get spooked! Nyah ha!

Evan: S-Scary!? Uh, I'll pass.

Lucas: Henryyyyyy! I thought I was picking the movie this time! I don't want a scary movie!

Henry: Lu-Lu, you picked the movie the last three times. I think it's my turn.

Lucas: Hmph! Fine! I still wanted to see Hotel Transylvania Three in theaters though!

Henry: Next time.

Evan: W-well I have to h-help out at home. You're welcome to j-join me (name). After chores w-we can go to the park!

Lucas: Ooo options! I'd rather the movie though.

Henry: Well, it's up to (name) what they do after school.

What will you choose?

Movies with Lucas and Henry [💜💛] yellow and Purple Heart

Park with Evan [💙] blue heart

Refuse to do either because you just met literally a half hour ago [💔] broken heart

??? [🖤] Black heart

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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