Chapter 1- Who is that Beauty?

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Donald Glover sat scrolling through his Twitter account. It was late. It was a Tuesday. He put his phone face down on the coffee table and tried to watch the new channel that was currently on his TV. It was all sad news. A grandma git robbed. A child was bullied and committed murder on themselves. How sad. Can you believe it? Donald Glover couldn't. This is America, after all.

He could barely focus on all the sad stuff on the TV because of his phone ringing nonstop. It was insane! So crazy. He put on silent but what was messages?? He couldn't resist. He saw 1,432 twitters at him about some singer that looked exactly like him. Except his hair was a little longer and his beard too.

Donald Glover always thought that he was the sexist man to ever even exist, and seeing someone that looked just like him made him want to date. But what if propel thought that they were brother and sister? Who cares. He's too dang sexy to pass up. He will never met him though and his sad face is now frowning so heavy.

Why does the world have to be this way? Mayeb I should just kill myself he thinks to himself.

“Nevermind, the world can't live without my beauty and jokes lol” he reminds himself smiling. He takes off his shirt and flexs in the mirror just to boost him confidence even more. Go club? He thinks.. Yeah, why not! He confirms and smiles so big at himself his checks hurt. So beautiful.

He comes his hair and gets dressed ans takes a shower and then grabs all his things.

“Club, here I come. I hope you can handle all this sexy” he winks at himself and shoots finger guns. He wonders who all he would see there. Maybe some friends, or even some people that he could kiss and dance on. He was excited and he never even thought of murdering himself again for the rest of the night..

A/N Hey guys! So this is my first chaptered story!!! I'm a new fan of Donald Glover, and I realized he looks and sounds a lot like the famous singer Childish Gambit. I’m not overly into his music, but his new song is so good, I think I might have to get in the Childish Gambino fandom. Anyways, I guess this will be updated fairly often, and I am open to any requests or suggestion about my story. Thanks for the reads, cuties!😙💘✌

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