Chapter 4- A Long Loving Night😉

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Finally! Donald Glover thought to himself. Back at his house for sex with that sexy af and fine singer. They were bearly through the door when Childish Gambino started to kiss him so hard on the mouth.

Donald Glover felt his rock hard magic meat get rock hard and he groaned. “ung” he said and Childish Gambit smiled so big and wide.

“Sweet” Childish Gambit said when he felt Donald's long and erection penis poking him in the leg. Donald Glover blushed and looked away whole batting his eyelashed. “I'm gonna kiss you more now, cool?” Childish Gambino said cooly. He nodded his head furiously.

They kissed.

Donald Glover was so much aroused that he nearly died. Or so he felt. Donald Glover went to grab boob but remembered he was kissing a guy. Not just any guy. His look alike! So sweet.

“Sex me!” Donald Glover said so loud all the neighbors probably heard his voice everywhere.

“Woah dude, chill man. We aren't even to the main course yet ha,” Childish Gambino said. With a wink and blew a kiss. Donald listened and was more quieter.

Childish Gambino picked up Donald Glover and carried him like a bride or a big baby to the bed room and on the bed.

He was on the bed now and Childish Gambino said.

“You're face is pretty tight. I'm all about this dude.”

“All about what?”

“Your face. Lemme see those hot cross buns. If you want to show me.” He told Donald. Okay. His ass.

Donald pulled out his ass and showed him.

“Wow. That's an ass if I've ever seen one. Sweet, man. Thanks” Childish Gambino said.

“You can touch on my cakes if you want. They're extra thick right now because they want to gobble your genital.” Donald said poking his booty out.

“Cool” he said. And he did. He touched Donald's ass and giggled it everywhere. Donald couldn't help but to jiggle and laugh like a teen girl with a silly crush.

Wow, Donald felt his penis get very very hot. Was this about to instant nut? Oh please no! He can't spray his sweet sauce yet!

“Childish Gambino, please let me taste your pensi. I will nut soon if you touch my butt for any longer.”

“Sweet, slurp me penis like you want.” Childish Gambino said and pulled off his penis. It was so big it nearly hit Donald in the face and Donald felt his penis leak one single cum from just looking at his beautiful gentels.

“I see why you need XXXL penis balloons, uh I mean condoms” donald said and felt embarrased and nervous. Could he put all of that in his mouth? He loved hot dogs but this was more like a whole pack!

He devoured his whole penis and was freaking out when Childish Gambino instanat nutted in his mouth. He spit it out from being surprised and it splashed all over the walls. Damn. His walls…

“Thanks for that magnum nut dude. Let me snack on those toes. Baby.” Childish Gabimo said with a wink and Donald pressed his cute toes against his face. He had never had his toes munched on nor munched on any one else's toes, but he had see it in the sexy videos on the dirty sites he views on incognito mode on his cell phone and computer , or maybe even his Xbox 360 or Wii U sometimes . He blushed and then Childish Amibo put all 5 of his toes in his mouth and sucked then like they were straws.

“Ung, ung. Wow Childish Gambimo.. I never knew how good it felt to have my toes in your mouth. Ahhhhh, mmmm mmm mm!!” Donald said and felt his penis stretch, oh wait it was just Childish Gambino pulling on it. He shoot his cum everywhere. I landed on the ceiling fan . Oh no, nut in fan? It got got everywhere!! His hole entire room looked like mannaise had been squirted everywhere in his hole room but it was just his love sauce that was full of his babies. This  is so sad, Alexa play sad music.

“Um, I'm sorry.” Donald said and wipes Childish Gambino's eyes.

“It's cool dude.”

“Let's sex in ass now?” Donald asked

“%h” He responded.

“Hell yeah, here's my love button cutie” Donald said talking about his anus and he opened his booty hole wide open like a abyss of love and admiration.

Childish Gambino inserted his gentiles in Donald's love hole and they both nut but he kept going and they came two more times after that. Donald was getting tired.

“I'm getting tired, can we just cuddle.” Donald said

“Yeah, sure thing man.” Childish Gambit said and removed his penis from his body. They cuddled and fell asleep. What a fun night, Donald couldnt believe everything that had happened.

He couldn't wait to wake up next to this flaming hot and sensual singer that he was beginning to love. What would life hold for the two of them?

A/N Finally! Smut! O.o

I hope you guys are still enjoying story, and as always, I love to hear comments and recommendations. Stay tuned for the next chaptar. Ttys!❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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