Chapter 3 - XXL What?

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As the song ended, Childish Gambino walked off stage wipping his sweat off his face. Donald Glover felt his heart beat. What if Childish Gambino could see his hard penis in his pants? How embarrassing! Dold gulped and walked to meet his doppleganger.  He was turned and Doland taped him on the shoulder. When Childish Gambino turned his jaw dropped to the floor like a snake eating a big snack. Donald hoped he would be the snack this snake would eat he thought and his penis grew even more.

“Woah, your face!” Childish Gambino said when he saw Donald Glover's face .

“Yeah, we are both the hottest men alive, I'm sorry if I'm so hard to resist, like you are to me.” Donald said said messing with him hairs.

“You are hard to resist” he told Donald “Look” he said and point to his own peenis. Donald was amazed! He had a huge boner on his penis too.

“Cool! Me too.” Donald said and pointed to his own groine

Childish Gambino smirked so big and walked very close to Donald. He smelled like sweat and colonge, and Doland loved it. Loved it so much. Mmmm

“How about we go on a date somewhere?” Somewhere hot and sexy” he said.

“Yeah, sure. Whatever you know, like if I'm not busy that'd be pretty cool I guess” Donald say shrugging acting like he is too cool even though we was so EXCITED!!!

“Tight” Chdish Gambino say turning around to go back on stage. He winked at him. And blew a kiss. Donald caught it and rubbed it on his.cheek.

Wow, it was about to go down.

***Later that night on the date***

Donald Glover sat at the diner table and breath heavy. He was so nervous for his date with that fine af singer. What if he messed up his chances? Nah, impossible he too hot hot. Donold looked at his watch and heared the Bell on door go Ding Ding as he opened it. IT WAS CHILDISH GAMBIT! okay Donald take a breathe

“What's up, thicc cheeks?” Childish Gamibo asked with a wink so sexy and hot like a fire mmm.

Donald Glover turned into a blush and smiled shyness. “Hi sex” he said looking at the man

“Sex? Alright, if you want.” Childish Gaming said with a shrug.

Wait what? Did he say sex i stead of sexy? Oh no… how could he be so careless. Sure he wanted sex with someone who looked exactly like himself, but it was their first date, dude! “Oh! Hahahah, um I meant sexy but I guess I'm just nevorous…?” Donald said being blush

Childish Gambino paused. “ah, dang that sucks, I brought these just in case.” He said and pulled out a whole box of XXXL condoms for his Magnum love meat. Donald Glover choked on his water and stood up immediately.

“Let's go back to my place right now for sex!” Donald Glover shouted and everyone looked at him so nasty, probably think that Chdish Gambino was is brother or something weird and gross like that.

“Alright, cool” Childish Gambino said and put the whole box of XXXL condoms for his Magnum love meat back in his pocket before holding Donald's hand and leaving the diner. So excited for sex. Yes!

A/N Sorry it's been awhile..😩 I hope you guys like this chaper and continue to read. I really like your support! New chapter up soon (hopefully)! Should be plenty of smut!:3 Stay Childish, beauties 😍😘❣️

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