Chapter 21 Vector's transformation

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Vector walked to the transbeamer
His subjects watched on as the madman was going to experiment on his self.
all the scientists were nervous as they cared for vector even though he treated them like dirt.
"Umm sir we could just wait until rabia is captured"
One of his subjects said worried

"Hogwash I dont trust bounty hunter to get the job done" He said
"There usually defeated by heros with ease" vector hated bounty hunters as he thought they were cowardly and weak as a rabbit.
He'd rather kll somone himself.
"Are you sure about this we dont know what the transbeamer can do?"
"Are you questioning me?" Vector asked threateningly
"A-ah no sir"
The servant scared quickly recoiled
"alright then commence experiment V." He named it.
They all looked at each other they knew it was insane but what choice did they have
The experiment would most likely kill vector or turn him into some kind of mutant.

With a struggled look the scientists began to start up the transbeamer
" ok transbeamer firing up in 5...4...3...2...1"
The beam from the top of the room shot down on vector. Orange and yellow rays hit him and transformed him into something completely unholy.... And Un-Human

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