Chapter 27 Forest Bump

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Corgan and Rabia were walking through the jungles of peru.
Rabia's wings still hadnt re powered after the long heavy flight and she was suffering from exhaustation.
*Panting* Rabia was breathing heavily which worried corgan.
"Lady Rabia. Are you ok?" He asked concerned.
"Im Fine *Huff* Just tired." She replied
"Ah I see. Why dont you get on my back then?" He suggested.
"Ummm." Rabia was nervous.
"Dont be nervous...! Your tired!"
"... Ok..." Although uncertain she climbed on corgan's back.
They were now combined and walking through the forest when suddenly-

*bullet sounds* Suddenly A bunch of gunshot's were heard.
three bullets came from the forest
"Ah!" Corgan heard them and at the the speed of sound deflected them with his
they all deflected from corgans armor
"Get behind me lady rabia" Rabia jumped off of corgan's back.
"So you just compensated by calling lady rabia now?"
"Haha "
He swung his sword releasing two energy beams into the forest nearly
"That shoulds flush thy out!" He said. He wanted to get the assilant out.

A loud buzzing noise was heard
Suddenly from the vines of the forest came Bug man a rogue bounty hunter who was recruited by the B.O.V to due there dirty work.
He was in his bug suit armor which resembled a lady bug in design

"! Bug man i should have known you would be involved in this"Corgan said
"What can I say duty calls"
He fired two bug beams at them which were photonic in nature.
Corgan and rabia dodged landing on top on each other
Bug man swiftley took advantage and put his blaster to corgans head
"Well little prince i think its time you went nighty night"
He then looked at rabia
"And you rabia your coming with us
You father misses you very much hehehe"
His blaster powered preparing to annihilate corgan
(Is this the end?)
He thought to himself
"AHGHHHGGHGRHHHHHHH" electricity flowed through his body
Bug man tumbled to the ground knocked unconscious. Something or someone had shot him with an electrified bullet.
Corgan and rabia looked up to see who had saved him.

It was a man in a blue suit Or Rodney

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