Chapter 7 - Hidden Secrets

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Hidden Secrets.

Chapter 7

I just got back from school, and I'll have to prepare myself for what I wanted to avoid. The Lost Weekend. I sigh, and wonder how i'm going to get through without Connor. Today on school, he came to me and told me this :

[ Earlier, on School. ]

The schoolbell rings, and lunch has started. Which in my case is, smashed slices of toasts with way too old and green looking cheese. Since my Mum and Dad are never home for making me breakfast or lunch for school, i will have to do it with my 'great cooking skills' Note the sarcasm. I walk to the class door room, and when I want to get through, someone pushes me away. I rub the place on my arm which the person hitted, and I recognize Connor's black hairdo.

''Hey.'' I say. Hoping, that he would answer me and not ignore me this time. He looks around the place, a little scared. I see in his eyes he is afraid for something. Or someone.

I kind of have a deja-vu. Remember that time I bumped into Liam? He acted exactly the same way. And why? I still don't know. Maybe Liam was afraid Harry would see us talking or something. But I don't get why Connor acts like this too. Harry doesn't like Connor, and so doesn't Connor Harry.

''Listen. I can't do this. Wait, i'll say it differently. I'm not allowed.'' He looks over the place and his voice turns into a whisper.

''I will see you at Harrys. Maybe I can explain later.'' He wanted to say something else, but he gets interrupted by our sweetheart Rachel. Yay.

''CONNOR! Where are you?'' Her voice sounds full of anger, and now it turns to a super sweet voice. Inclusive the high pitched hysterical part. Oh God.

''I was looking for youu. I thought you'd pay my lunch? You don't want me to spill something right? Or do you?'' She throws her puppy eye dog look to Connor, and silently I think to myself he will never fall for that. But he does. Not like he wants to.

''Erm.. yeah sure. Sarah! You look horrible today!'' He looks at me with the most sarcastic eyes, and it makes me laugh. I know he doesn't mean it.

But, I think Rachel threatens him. I don't know. I think she knows something about Connor which he don't want to be told, not even me. How worse could it be?

Was he gay? Had he some supersonic aliens in his back yard?

It must be something really bad. But how does Rachel knows? That's my biggest question.

He said I would meet him at Harrys, but no way that Rachel is going to let him go. No way.

[ Back in time. ]

My house is awkwardly silent. You know, I hate to feel the silence. It reveals the truth. When there are noises, every lie is covered. Not that that is the best. Covering lies. But it's better than this. The ugly truth. The truth is, that i'm alone. And no one is able to change that. No one. Not my mum, my dad, my lost family, Delilah.

You know, I never knew a lot about my family. My aunts and uncles alibies are all covered with 'we lost contact' or 'she's busy with more important things.' Does that mean your own niece isn't important enough?!

I thought I was pretty important. I am human. Every single human is important. No one is less important than somebody else. Everyone is equal. Unfortunatly not everyone understands that.

All my grand mothers and grand fathers died. They died before I was born, so I didn't really knew them. My mum doesn't talk about them either. But yeah, that's how she covers a lot.

I walk through the large empty hall. The whole floor is wet, because the maid, yes my mum sent a maid since I am the worst in house keeping, she washed the floor.

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