Chapter 6

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I woke up and still had Tae and Kat next to me. I quietly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I got in the shower and washed up. I felt dirty after what happened last night so I was scrubbing a lot. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I quietly walked to my closet and put on bra and panties. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and an oversized t-shirt. I threw them on then put on some socks. I still had a towel wrapped around my hair. I walked out of the closet and saw Tae and Kat were awake. 

"Y'all take a quit shower. I'm going to start cleaning up and then we'll go get something to eat," I said. They nodded and got out of bed. I walked downstairs and grabbed a trash bag. I started throwing away cups, bottles, and cans. I filled up two trash bags worth of trash. I wiped down the table and moved it back to where it was. I went back into the living room and vaccumed the carpet. I moved the chair back to where it goes and then Tae came out and helped me move the couch.

"Everything's done," I said.

"Go put your slides on and let's go get some food," He said. I walked upstairs to my room and slipped on my slides. I took the towel off my head and threw it in the dirty clothes. I walked back downstairs and grabbed my keys off the table. We walked out the door and got in my car. 

"Where are we going to eat or what do y'all want to go get?" I asked.

"I want some wings," Tae said.

"Wings sound good," Kat said.

"Buffalo Wild Wings?" I asked.

"Yea that's fine. I can't believe we all slept until 1 in the afternoon," Tae said.

"I can believe it," I said. I started driving to Buffalo Wild Wings.

We pulled into Buffalo Wild Wings and after we parked, we walked inside. We got a table and sat down. The lady took our drink order and we just sat there talking. I felt someone staring at me. I slowly looked to my right and saw some guy staring at me. He was cute I'm not even going to lie! He was dark skin and was just fine! I just continued talking to Kat and Tae. Next thing I know I see the guy start walking up to us.

"Excuse me I don't mean to interrupt but I just have to say you're absolutely stunning! My name is Dominic," He said.

"Thank you and I'm Skylar but everyone calls me Sky. This is my cousin Kat and my best friend Tae," I said.

"Nice to meet you guys," He said smiling. Lord his smile is so cute! I look over and I see Chres walk in and he saw me. He started walking towards me but he looked mad.

"Aye get the fuck away from her!" Chres said.

"Ah what's up Roc? I saw her first man you can't just come in here trying to ruin things," Dominic said. He called him Roc. Only people apart of the game call Chres by that name.

"Nah you need to get to stepping Dom. You're on my turf. Don't forget I run these streets," Chres said.

"You think I'm the only one who knows about her Roc? You forget I run a whole different game. Believe me the one person you don't want to know about her already knows. He's been waiting for you to slip up Roc. And you already have," Dominic said. Next thing I know someone came up behind Chres and Jacob and hit them both knocking them out. I look over and see these two guys with guns to the back of Kat's and Tae's head.

"Whoa. Please don't hurt them. They have nothing to do with this," I said.

"Boss man wants you. If you don't come willingly then your friends die," One of the guys said.

"Fine I'll go just put the guns away," I said standing up. Some guy grabbed me and looked around. Of course they had their faces covered.

"None of you people saw a thing!" The dude yelled. We walked of the place and they tied my hands up and blindfolded me. They threw me in the back of a van and two guys got in the back with me. 

Falling For The Plug( Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now