Makeup and Flower Crowns ~ Jp

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"[Y/N], why did you do this to meeeeee???"

You giggle as you take a step back to look at what you did to your boyfriend. His face was painted with various shades of natural color and blue makeup, all makeup recommend by one of his community mods, ShayPoreon (who also was a mod in your small community you built on Twitch). On top of his head rested a blue and white flower crown you had gotten just yesterday for this purpose. He groans as you say, "To make you look beautiful, of course!"


You giggle again as you put a green and white flower crown (that complements your green makeup palette on your face) on your head and grab your phone, snapping a picture of you and Jp, who still wore a pitiful expression.

"Oh, come on, smile, babe!"

He flashes a half-hearted smile as you snap another picture. You sigh as you remind him, "Not my fault you set getting your makeup done by me as one of your goals for your St Jude charity stream."

He sighs, admitting defeat. "I know, I know." His phone buzzes and causes him to groan. You giggle evilly as you ask, "What's wrong, Jp?"

"I forgot I'm supposed to record with the guys in a few minutes."

You smirk. "I didn't. Now ya gotta do it with the makeup!"


"Yes! How else are you supposed to prove to your fans that you actually followed through with this?"

He sighs. "Fine."

You smile as you move away from Jp's computer to let him record. With your phone still out, you open your group chat with Molly, Mk, and Ely, since they were the ones to convince you to push Jp into doing a video as normal, except with the makeup on still.

Guys, I got him to do it lololololol

Oh my god yes [Y/N]!

[Y/N], you are a blessing to this world

Wish I could do that to Pat 🙃

If [Y/N] could do it to Jp, you can do it to Pat

You can do it, Mk, just gotta be convincing and time it right 😛


You giggle as you watch Molly start to yell excuses at Mk that she could use to convince Pat. "These girls are the best," you think to yourself as you intrude Jp's video to fix the flower crown that had started to slide off his head.

Next thing to do: post the selfies for the world to see.

On Instagram and Twitter, you use the caption, "Green and blue go together like cookies and cream 💚💙," while in his Discord server (and your server as well), you say, "Look, how cute~." Everyone starts yelling about his makeup while you giggle to yourself. Eventually, Jp raises an eyebrow at you while you keep on a poker face.

Oh, how fun it is to torture your boyfriend with makeup and online embarrassment.



I don't even know what this was, tbh lollllll

Now I need to draw Jp with colorful makeup and a flower crown

(Also, about that cookies and cream comparison: yeah, I'm kinda hungry XD)

~ Kat

(edited 7/13/2021)

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