Rantaro Amami x Depressed! Reader [A Flicker of Hope]

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Hello guys! This is the first oneshot in this book so I really hope I leave a good impression for my writing style (and potentially see how bad I am at writing😂😂). Rantaro is one of my favorites from V3 so of course I've decided to use him in this story😅❤️ Btw, I won't be using honorifics since they're a bit confusing to me and I'll probably use them the wrong way. Hope you enjoy!

⚠️This chapter contains mentions of suicide, so I ask that if you're sensitive to the topic then please leave and read another oneshot on Wattpad! Thank you very much!⚠️

(F/N) = First Name
(L/N) = Last Name


(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up in a very dark place, very unusual from my everyday bed. For some strange reason I was in a standing position instead of laying down. It was like I was trapped in a thin cage just big enough to fit my body, as it felt like I was surrounded by metal. The strangest thing was... I didn't know where I was or how I got there. It was probably a dream or something like that.

I didn't panic much, so I blindly started to feel if there was anything else around me. After about a minute or so of searching, it didn't take me very long to realize what I was in.

"Just as a thought, I'm in a locker" I muttered under my breath. I tried feeling the walls around the small space, searching for any latches or locks that could open the door. Unfortunately I couldn't find any, so the only way to get out was to kick it down.

"Three, two... one!" and right after shouting one I kicked down the locker door and immediately dove straight towards the ground. I must've hit my leg or arm on impact, because I winced at an unidentified pain.

As I tried to stand up, I heard a few footsteps approach me.

"Excuse me, are you ok miss?" a voice asked from above. When I looked up I was face to face with a pair of wide green eyes... with I think a little of worry in them? But I highly doubt that, no one has ever cared about my well being so I must be hallucinating. After all, this was only a dream, I think.

"Y-yeah, I think I'm fine." I managed to stutter while attempting to get off the ground.

"That's nice to hear. Here, let me lend you a hand," the strange boy said with a small smile. He extended his right hand out towards me. Even though I had just met this guy, I decided to give him a small portion of my trust.

"Thank you," I monotonously muttered and grabbed his hand to get up off the ground. This hand was pretty warm, but I've never made contact with someone else's before so it may just be normal.

"So anyways, where are we and how did we get here?" I asked almost immediately. The question's been long on my mind ever since I awoke in the locker.

"Unfortunately, I'm unable to answer those questions because I myself don't know either. Looks like we're in the same boat," he shrugged.

That's the answer I most likely expected from him. "Oh, that's fine. But I need to get out of here quickly. By the way, I'm (F/N) (L/N), but feel free to address me by my first name. I'm supposed to be the Ultimate Scientist, but I'm not good enough to receive such a title. I mainly focus on biology and the medical field revolving around the human body." I took a second pause and continued on. "The only thing I remember is performing many autopsies on corpses and spending everyday studying." I whispered the last few part hoping he didn't hear it.

"That's pretty impressive actually, considering you're only a high school student. Well anyways, my name is Rantaro Amami, but I can't remember my talent at the moment," he replied. When I looked up at his face I noticed a small frown hindered on his lips. The fact that he didn't know his own talent was pretty mysterious... is he even an ultimate?

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