Gonta Gokuhara x Reader [Fireflies]

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First request by Unicorn_Kara <3 This one's pretty short, but I hope you enjoy!

(F/N) = First Name
(L/N) = Last Name

[Outside of the Killing Game]

(Y/N)'s POV
"Wow, Gonta! These fireflies are so pretty!" I exclaimed in joy. Sitting on the tree stump in front of us lied a large, plastic container filled with about three or four fireflies. It was an extremely hot summer evening, and Gonta had spotted a few fireflies on the way back to my house. They were illuminating bright, yellow lights in the dark sky so they were completely visible to our eyes.

"Gonta agrees too!" he replied rather jubilantly. I noticed how his red eyes would always gleam when he took fascination to various bugs and insects. On the other hand, I was pretty terrified of bugs but I knew I couldn't let Gonta know or else he'd probably go on a rampage. But the fireflies that were contained in front of me were fairly pretty and didn't scare me at all.

For a few minutes, we both marveled in silence as we watched the fireflies glow up sporadically. Sometimes we'd even catch when all of them glowed up at the same time. After a couple moments, I decided to break the unwavering silence.

I glanced over at Gonta. "Do you think we should release them soon? I'm sure they have their own little family of fireflies, same as us with our families," I said while smiling at him. He turned towards me, with a small smile too.

"Gonta believes that we should let them go too. They need to find family like us," he responded. That's right! We needed to go back to our houses before the sun fully set or else... I could already envision me getting a huge lecture from my parents about missing my curfew. The thought made me slightly giggle to myself.

"Yeah, we should be heading home soon! How about we release the fireflies right here?" I suggested.

"Good idea (Y/N)! Gonta and (Y/N) shall let fireflies go back in the wild," he said while picking up the container with the bugs. To my surprise, he took the top off and stuck his hand in, allowing one of the fireflies to crawl on his fingers. The sight made me want to run, but I tried my best to stay calm despite the small fear I felt. "See (Y/N)? They are pretty and gentle, just like you!"

His sudden remark made my face gradually start to heat up, because I'd never expect him to say something so kind. "Well... u-um... thank you Gonta," was all I could stutter out. Gonta truly was a kind gentleman. He responded with a bright and cheery smile.

Gonta slowly raised his finger, the one with the firefly, up towards the sky. I could see the little bug spread it's small wings and take off into the sky, leaving behind a trail of light. They truly are beautiful creatures.

"(Y/N), do you want to try releasing bugs too?" Gonta asked after the firefly was long gone from our sight. I forgot, he didn't know I didn't like bugs.

"Ah, I'm fine Gonta! I think I should let the expert handle releasing them instead," I exclaimed right away, hoping I could convince him that he should do it. His expression turned to a surprised one, but quickly formed back into one of understanding.

"Gonta is no expert with bugs, but do love them! Gonta will be a gentleman and release the fireflies," he cheered. He placed his hand in the container once more, and this time all the small fireflies huddled into the palm of his wait as if they were waiting to be freed. He carefully took his hand out and opened it towards the sky, letting the remainder of them soar away.

I couldn't help but blush at the kind and gentle gesture. Despite his scary and muscular appearance, inside Gonta really was a sweetheart and deserved all the love in the the world.

"Great job Gonta!" you praised. He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, but I could tell he really liked the compliment. After all, he does deserve every single bit of it! That's when I remembered we had to go back.

"Alright, we should head back to our houses now before we get into trouble," I said. Looking back on today, I realized it was the most fun I'd had in a long time. And it was all thanks to Gonta.

"Actually... there's something I need to do first," I murmured in a soft voice. I walked up to Gonta who was completely clueless, and gave him a small peck on his cheek of gratitude to show I appreciated what he did for me today. I expected him to not think much of it, but when I turned to look at his face he had his hands covering it, and I assumed underneath them was a deep shade of red. I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. Man, was he adorable when he was flustered.

I was feeling braver than usual so I intertwined my hand in his and ran off towards my house. He seemed to catch on rather quickly because he started running too.

"H-hey, (Y/N)!! Gonta wanted to let you know that Gonta loves you as much like the fireflies!" he exclaimed while running behind me.

Now it was my turn to get flustered. But I quickly came up with a reply in my head.

"I-I love you too Gonta! You're the f-fireflies in my night sky~"

I love Gonta so much, he's such a sweetheart <3

Published: July 7th, 2018
Word Count: 962

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