Stop Asking (Budo x Tsundere!Reader)

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Artwork is by Lady0fLaughter on Deviant Art
This was requested by @NinaDelRe (in 2016, so don't mind me being extremely late)

Stop Asking (Budo x Tsundere! Reader)

You popped open an eye to glance over at your alarm clock, which read 7 o'clock in the morning. You let out a screech of sorts as you hoisted yourself out of your bed. Why in God's name would there be someone at your door at 7 A.M. on a weekend day?
Your wooden hallways were ice cold when your bare feet made contact with them, your hand tightened on the door's grip as your swung it open.
You were ready to face the asshole who had woken you from your beauty sleep...wait what? It was your stupid crush from stupid school.
"Goodmorning (Your Name)!" He said way too cheerfully, "I know I've asked you before but would you like to come to our first Karate Club meeting of the school year? There will be cookies and ca-"
"Let me stop you right there. What time is it, Budo?" You raised an eyebrow at him, leaning against the door's frame.
He checked a watch on his wrist, "About 7:17, why do you ask?"
"One, it's too early. Two, I said it at school and I'll say it here too. I'm not joining your club. I would rather not look sweaty all the front of a cutie..." You whispered that last part.
Budo rubbed the back of his neck, "(Your Name), please, you are one of my best friends and I can't make this club happen with out you. We are one person short to be able to keep this club and I want that person to be you."
You stuck up your nose in the air, "No, I won't do it! Baka!" You slammed the door in his face, feeling kind of sorry for him but knowing that all of this was for the better.
You heard his muffled voice from outside the door, "(Your Name), please..." You could feel him slide something under the door itself. It was a flyer for his club, there was glitter glue and clip art cut out glued on to the poster paper. It was custom made even with your name on it. You felt your cheeks get red with both embarrassment and love. You hugged it close to your chest before you opened the door to confront him another time.
But... no one was there. How could he be? You shot him down for the third time this week. You sighed to yourself, instantly feeling terrible about what you did to him. You held the flyer even closer to your chest and made your way back up into your bed room.
"Well, this is going terrible." Budo had said aloud to the rest of the members of his Karate Club. Everyone had set out trays of snacks and fruit punch bowls to welcome the new members of the club, after all each one of them had all been working hard to get recruits during the weekend. They had been preparing for weeks for this little event for their club.
It had been forty-five minutes since it had started, not a new single soul entered that room. Budo has started to get anxious, if the club didn't have at least ten people in it then the school would cancel the club. At the moment, they only had nine.
Budo had bitten into a cupcake that one of the female members had made for the new comers, they had dozens of them since they were expecting at least twenty people. But why not eat the treats now since absolutely no one is showing up, right?
But you. You showed up. You hurried yourself into the room, huffing and puffing, with the flyer that Budo had given you. You were the center of attention in the club's little room, all of their eyes on you.
You cleared your voice, "I have decided to join, not that I want to or anything. You all just seem to be in a pickle that only I can fix. Also I wanted to be fashionably late, so there is that."
Budo's mouth had dropped wide open, he was surprised and most importantly ecstatic that you had shown up, "(Your Name)..." You could see the large pockets of tears start to roll down his cheeks as he dropped his cupcake just to hug you as thanks.
You smiled for a brief minute, wishing you and him could just hold each other like this forever...until you pushed him off of you, "W-what are you d-d-doing?!"
"Thanking you, it means a lot to all of us. Won't you stay? We have plenty of sweets and snacks like I had mentioned?" Budo's ash colored eyes sparkled with something a little more brighter than friendship.
You bit your lip, "Well, I do like brownies..."
Budo put his arm around you to show you off, to the other members of the group, like a trophy, "We have our final new recruit everyone!"
You leaned into him, thinking to yourself that maybe you should embrace your feelings rather than try to avoid them. Maybe you should open up a little more to your favorite person in the world?
But honestly, where is the fun in that?
You shoved Budo away from you once more, this time with a playful smile glued to your face.

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