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William's POV:

Have you ever felt excruciating pain?

Well, that's what this is.

Horrible, horrible pain.

'How am I even still alive?' I thought to myself, somehow, just somehow, I was still alive.

Barely breathing, but alive.

My legs were numb. So were my arms. All I could do was stare at them. She still laughed. "Why... lau.. ng.." I said.

I had meant to say, Why are you laughing, but, I had animatronic parts in my throat, and inside my head, so, it was bound to come out wrong...

[Y/N] POV:

Baby was laughing. Afton had said something, but it was all mixed up. Barely audible. Raspy.

I, of course, was confused. This, was probably the most disturbing thing, I will ever see in my whole fucking life. And, I plan to have a long, calm, peaceful life.


Baby's POV:

"Daddy... Oh daddy.." I said. Making both Daddy, and [Y/N] look at me.

"Daddy, I can't believe you didn't see it!" I said "I rigged one of the springlocks, so that it'd activate as soon as somebody entered it!"

I couldn't see his face, but, if I could, it wouldn't be a nice one.

I could barely hear the faint sound of Diner music. It had glitched every so often, but I could finally tell what it was. It sounded quite like the melody from "Built In The 80s", a song, I had heard from mommy.. before.. It happened...

A/N: Sorry to leave you all off with a confusing, short, and cliffhanging chapter, but, I'm tired, I've got a thing to go to tomorrow, and, I need sushi. Please. I would kill for some sushi.

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