Youngblood - Calum

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Lyric suggestion from my love Doodle5sos

Yeah you used to call me baby now you're calling me by name
Takes one to know one yeah you beat me at my own damn game


Calum froze, unable to do more than gape at you. He'd never thought that hearing his own name could hurt so much. Then again, he hadn't heard you call him Calum in an awful long time, not since before you'd gotten together at least. It had always been "baby" or "babe" or some equally affectionate pet name. It was never just Calum. That wasn't enough. Not then and not now. It stung too, he could feel it in his chest as it diffused out into the rest of his body, resonating through his bones. It was a feeling of rejection, separation, disconnect. You were pulling away from him. You were hurting him. You knew it.

He could see in the gleam of your eyes and the turn of your lips that you knew it. You knew you were causing him pain, you knew that he wasn't expecting you to reject him yet you did it anyway. It was sick. It was twisted. It was sadistic. It was-

It was exactly what Calum would do. How Calum would break things off. You were playing him the way he had played others, and you won.

Calum let out the air he hadn't realized he was holding in his lungs as he focused back on your round, innocent eyes, and furrowed brows like you cared. Clearly you didn't though, how could you?

"What is it, Y/N?"

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Michael's up next! Mooore to come my dudes

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