( thirty-five )

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The light flickering on from Bellamy's flashlight was the only source of light coming from the bunker they were trapped in

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The light flickering on from Bellamy's flashlight was the only source of light coming from the bunker they were trapped in. Harley had to blink a few times before her eyes adjusted to the beam, before she felt a gentle touch on her wrist. She turned her head to see it was only Octavia, passing her a flashlight that she had pulled from her bag. Nodding with a smile in thanks, Harley grasped the useful object and flicked the switch, watching as her own path lit up.

At least now, Harley could see clearer. She waved her flashlight around, noticing a path of dirty and rusted vehicles, recognizing them as transportations from the life before nuclear bombs. "Woah," she breathed out slowly, slightly amazed despite the conditions of them. "Cool."

"Where are we?" Sergeant Scott questioned, not nearly as astounded as Harley.

"It's like a garage," Bellamy answered.

Octavia pulled her sword from her sheath with her free hand, holding it close as if they were under attack. "More like a tomb."

Wandering forward, Harley studied each of the vehicles, seeing flat boards pinned to the bottom ledges with letters and numbers. "Look, I'm sorry about your man," Bellamy spoke up from behind her, speaking to the guards. "But we need to find an access door to Mount Weather. That fog will keep us pinned down for another.." He suddenly paused, stopping mid-sentence.

Harley turned around to see that Sergeant Scott was passing Bellamy a handgun, actually agreeing with him, which was slightly unexpected. "We'll split up, be back in fifteen. Be safe."

"Let's go!" Bellamy ordered, taking one path with Octavia trailing after him as Sergeant Scott lead the other way. Harley stood for a second, swiping her flashlight back and forth, unsure of which way to go when knowing possibly both sides hadn't wanted to deal with her, before shrugging to herself and jogging to catch up with the siblings.

After what had felt like hours of walking, and finding absolutely nothing that could lead them into Mount Weather, they came across a door with a large window next to it. Harley stood on her tiptoes, pressing her face against the glass and trying to peer in. Despite the flashlight she had lifted, pointed forward, she saw nothing but blackness. She frowned, wanting her curiosity to be fulfilled and see more belongings from the past.

Suddenly, there was an echoing screaming coming from where the three had come. Harley nearly leaped, her heart jumping into her throat as she whirled around, pointing her flashlight forward with a shaky hand. It sounded like a male, in extreme pain, right before it was over and the soft twinkling of music filled the frightening silence.

With wide eyes, Harley watched as Octavia and Bellamy began to veer towards the noise. "So we're going towards the screaming and creepy music?" She whispered, her words being ignored. After standing still for a second, she grimaced and followed the pair reluctantly, knowing that whatever they were walking into couldn't end well.

The soft beat of the music reflected with each careful step Harley took. It gave her a trembling sick feeling, as if something or someone was going to jump out and attack them with a bloody weapon at any moment. However, Octavia and Bellamy remained cautious by crouching to the side of one of the vehicles. Harley kept her eyes wide and peeled in the distance as she knelt, searching through the darkness illuminated by the gleams of light.

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