Moving in with uncle bruce

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My uncle Bruce picked me up from the airport and I listened to him talk about how he had his assistant clean and fix up my room for me. I didn't say much since I couldn't think of much to say, "your hair is longer from the last time I saw you" he said in a quiet tone I looked down at my curly brown hair. "Yeah i guess I cut it a while ago" I said looking at it we got to his house and he helped me with my bags which wasn't much just a duffle bag and a luggage I followed him upstairs to my room and to my surprise it was nice I had my own desk and laptop and a window that looked out to the woods and driveway. "Um, so here it has I had them get u new bed sheets and blankets you know all that good stuff so ... yeah, ill let u get yourself situated" he said as he sighs and puts my stuff down next to the bed and goes downstairs I also noticed I had my own bathroom which was nice I thought to myself as I sat on the bed and looked around the room. I started putting my stuff away and realized that I was becoming unaware that there were an older man and a really cute boy that looked around my age standing outside with my uncle Bruce. I walked downstairs and outside to meet them "this is my niece Sophie she's moving in with me for a while," he said with a somewhat happy tone "hello nice to meet you I put my hand out for the older man and smiled at him he smiles back and shakes my hand. "I'm Phil this is my grandson David" he said David looked gorgeous from up close he had that greenish blueish eyes pale skin his hair was combed up in a come over that brushed up his bangs he smirked at me I put out my hand for him to shake it his grip was kind of intense he looked at me and gave me a half smile. I smiled back and looked down at my shoes I could tell he was still looking at me by the way his body was still in the same position as it was when I shook his hand "David goes to Richfield high and so will u starting tomorrow so maybe you'll see him around school " my uncle bobby said i nodded my head and put my hands in my jean jacket "sounds good " I said later on it started getting kind of dark I took a shower and grabbed my laptop as I climbed into bed and listening to music I assumed school started at around eight so I set my alarm for 6:18 and fell asleep. 

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