New School

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In the morning I got up and got ready for school I went downstairs to see bruce trying to cook breakfast so I figured ide offer to help I made the eggs and he made the toast and bacon I didn't eat any bacon he served me some milk I ate most of what was on my plate and bobby ate the rest. " hey come on outside i gotta show u something"he said heading out to the driveway I followed him with my book bag as we walked out to the driveway i saw a red jeep wrangler " i figured u could use something to get u to school and back so here " a smile came on my face as I walked up to it. "no way this is mine" I said with excitement "all yours he said smiling at me" "thank u uncle bobby its perfect" " alright u better get to school you'll be late on your first day... oh, wait I forgot to give u that u cant drive a car without the keys" he handed me the keys to the jeep and I hopped in I threw my backpack in the back seat and drove off to school. It was pretty gray and cloudy I parked the car and got out if it I saw David pull up in a black Porsche behind I walked past the car as I hear him comment "nice ride princess" he smirks and winks at me I gave him a shy smile "thanks" I say as I keep walking towards the entrance "hey wait up come on your not gonna leave me out here alone are u princess" he says as he walks up to me "um.. Your not alone" I said looking around the parking lot "not anymore I'm not" I nodded my head at his response "so is Phil your dad" I asked him "Nah he's my grandfather I don't live with my parents the long gone" he sais lighting a cigarette the smell didn't phase me considering my mother smoked like a train. "Oh I'm sorry," I said looking at my sleeve " it's nothing I could care less considering they didn't even acknowledge me when they were here," he said as he chuckled and turned his snapback backward as he put his hood half ways on "and yours theirs gotta be a reason your here ." "well my mom sorta has issues so I decided to come here and live with my uncle" he looks at me confused "what kind of issues" "umm... just you know well i don't really know how to explain it its complicated" I said he nods his head as he lets the smoke from his cigarette come out of his nose "hmm interesting well how do u like living in the coldest and wettest place in all of North America" he said chuckling and looking at me. " I'm not sure yet I guess I'll have to find out" he sighed and put out his cigarette "well ill leave u to figure that out yourself by princess" he says walking towards the hallway "it's Sophie by the way" I tell him looking at him he grins "I like princess better" he smirked and walked away I went to the front office and they gave me my schedule I found myself in my first period class which was art. A group of girls came up to me and pretty much made themselves my friends which weren't so bad but it was kind of sudden during lunch I sat with him and the other girls as I watched everyone around the cafeteria they introduced me to their friends as I looked outside I could see David with a group of guys they were cute too but not nearly as cute as he was. they were sitting around when two girls walk their direction and David stopped them the girls became giggle he smiled and took the golf club from her hand and sets the golf ball on the ground David's friends cheer him on as he takes the swing and the ball fly into the big glass window making glass shatter everywhere screams fill the cafeteria as everyone evacuates and I try to get out as is used by the crowd of students I fall on my arm and glass cuts my arm. I'm rushed to the emergency room I felt fine but apparently to the nurse's office I wasn't and by the look of my arm I really didn't find the doctor took the glass out of my arm and cleaned me up which hurt pretty bad. Uncle Bruce drove me home and David's grandfather drove my car back to the house I played on the editing my cover of titanium I worked on it for about a good 3 hours when I heard a knock on my door I got up and opened the door to see David on the other side "hi what are u doing here" he walks in and sits on the chair"nice room u got here princess". He sais looking around the room "thank you now again what are u doing here" he sighs and looks at me "umm my grandfather made me come here and apologise for causing the whole window thing and getting u hurt blah blah blah and yeah " he sais rocking on the chair I look down at my wrapped up arm and look back up at him as I sat on the bed. "What are u working on here" he says laying on my bed and looking at my studio work on my laptop "um yeah that nothing " I say taking the laptop from him "Aww come on princess I won't judge" he grabs my laptop "my name is Sophie not princess" I say with a strong tone "ok relax Sophie" he says with a sarcastic tone. He plays the song and my voice plays I felt my cheeks get hot and David's eyebrows rais as the song plays then it goes back into his normal face "impressive work u got here maybe ill listen to it when it's finished cuz I see u got some work do add " I nodded my head"thank u" I say as he gets up and winks at me I take the lap top and set it on my desk he stairs at me and I try not to look "why are u so shy Sophie". He says grinning at me "what" I say looking at him "your shy I can tell by your body language is it because of him so hot. Yeah I know can't help it i guess" he says stretching on my bed and I can see his muscles on his arms i roll my eyes "I'm not shy and u should really stop obsessing over yourself its kind off turning" he looks at me and chuckles then rolled his eyes which kind of gave me butterflies, to be honest. "Ok well princess it's about that time for me to go it was nice talking to u by the way I like that shirt on you reds your color" he winks at me and I grin at his comment "oh well thank u, David... bye" he winks at me and I close the door behind me "don't worry princess I can find my way out see u at school or no wait I got the whole week off I guess is not so bad being suspended after all" he chuckles I smile with my arms crossed and walk back to my room. 

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