The accident

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I was walking home from picking up a pair of earbuds from the store I didn't really feel like driving anyways as I was walking I listened to the rainfall when out of nowhere I crossed the street and out came a rusty red truck towards me my body felt stiff as it came closer. then suddenly I was pushed to the ground I looked at the person on the ground with me to see that it was David his eyes were big like he was in shock he picked me up and we were both surrounded by people from out of their houses I noticed David had blood running down his arm my uncle Bruce came with a worried look and took me home the rest of the day I sat on the chair looking out the window thinking about everything at once. My arm hip was sore from when David took me to the ground. At around 2:30 in the morning I heard a knock coming from my window I slowly got up and moved my curtains David was standing on the roof where my window was "hi" he said "hi" i said back as he climbed in and I took a step back "I just came to check up on you... are you ok" he said with a serious look to him "I'm fine to thank u " I looked down as I felt him get closer his hand grabbed mine and-and I felt the chills down my back "don't move ok ... I just wanna try something don't move a muscle" his face got closer to mine and our lips touched. I felt my hands travel up to what felt like hard abbs his hands traveled down my back I jumped and let go " .... I'm sorry " I said looking at him his eyes were cold and then suddenly they became a soft greenish blue eyes as he walked towards my bed where I sat for the rest of the night we talked about life and eventually fell asleep. The next morning I woke up David was gone so I got up and got ready for the day uncle bruce left from a call so I was left alone until I got a message from David saying he's picking me up I replied with ok I waited outside on the porch listening to music when his car rolled up and i walked towards it and got in. "hi princess" with a smirk on his face I looked at him and smiled softly "where are we going " I asked curiously "you'll see" he sais as he backs out of the driveway we drove for about 20 minutes when David stopped in front of a forest "what are we doing in a forest" I asked confused. "I like to come here a lot when I wanna get away for a while nobody knows this place but me well now you know but that's about it " he says as we walk into the forest I follow him we stop in the middle of this big lake David sits on the rock then scoots over to let me sit beside him I sit down and look down at the ground he chuckles and shakes his head "what" I say looking at him confused "nothing nothing" he sais chuckling "what tell me" I insist "haha it's just your so shy around me its cute" he looks at me and my cheeks suddenly feel hot. " no im not" I shudder "haha yes you are your studdering I make u nervous don't i" he gives me a smirk I shoot up off of the rock and stand in front of him. " I DONT STUDDER and no u don't make me nervous ok so stop with your stupid smirks" he looks up at me with a smile and I began to walk off "wait for pri...SOPHIE!!!!" he yells "WHAT David" I yelled back "just stay here ok... please for me come on" he sits on the rock as I sigh and walk back with my arms crossed over my chest. "So why did u bring me here in the first place," I asked "I figured if I was ever going to tell anybody about this place I figured it would be someone who I... well, who I kind of trust" he rolled his eyes "kind of Sophie" I said with a grin but u barely know me why would u promise me. "You just seem like the person to trust with this kind of place" I become confused as he speaks to me "why is this place so important to you" i asked he sighs and looks at the water " This is were my parents died" he said lookint at me. "oh" i say looking down at my ripped jeans " I know I said I didn't care about them because they never cared for me but they were still my parents, of course, there were times where we did get along but that varied rarely they were usually drunk or high most of the time" "I'm sorry" I replied not knowing what else to say " don't worry about it u kind of learn to take care of yourself". "I mean I didn't have a choice i was about 9 when they died these social workers had me stay in an orphanage for a couple of weeks until my grandfather came and got me and I've been with him ever since so yeah that pretty much why I come here because its the only thing I have or remember about my parents that seem promise to me. Sometimes I could hear them talking " I looked at David as his face fell somewhat serious and angry he looks back at me and his face quickly became calm and settle " Sophie I can't stay away from you I'm sorry if that makes u feel weird but I cant there something about you that just draws my attention I can't figure it out it's frustrating". "Well thank u for saving me from that truck" I said with a soft tone "my pleasure princess" we stared at each other as he leaned in closer to me I didn't move because I honestly wanted him close to me his lips pressed against mine and I could feel his hand grabbing my waist as he gently put me on his lap I curled into his chest his lips felt soft and warm he let go and our head and noses touched as he stared into my eyes I buried my head into his neck. "Are u my girl now" he softly whispered in my ear I got the chills and smiled in his chest he chuckled and kissed my shoulder "I'll take that as a yes" he said " come on lets get out of here" he let me down and we walked back to his car I fell asleep the way back and David carried me up to my room where he lay me down I could hear him open the door "David" I said "will...will u stay with me" he sighs and walks over to the bed then takes off his shirt I cuddle up close to him. My body hit his chest I felt his abs on my arm as he pulled me closer to him in the morning I woke up to David staring at me "good morning princess" he whispers in his morning voice that makes me smile with the chills. " we have school today oh crap" I say as I jump up out of bed "WE HAVE SCHOOL TODAY" !!!!! I scream David laughs while holding his stomach and i stand their confused "why are u laughing were going to be late David" i say to him "Sophie its Saturday theirs no school today" he looks at me I stand their confused "huh" I say looking at him "yeah Saturday no school princess" he smirks. "omg are u serious" I say feeling stupid David laughs at me as I throw the pillow at him and he grabs me and throws me on the bed I laughed as he playfully kisses my cheek David wraps his long muscular arms around my body "David why did why me " I asked "huh" he said confused i turn to face his beautiful piercing gray that were green the last time I saw him but whatever "why did u choose me" i said David grinned at me "what are u talking about I don't understand" he sais " .you know like why are u acting like this all nice and cuddling and opening up to me everyone looks at you like the bad boy and your always getting into some kind of trouble at school or around town why me why did u choose me" I asked looking down at my fingers he lifts up my chin to face him " I don't care what people think about mei do what I do because I can and I want to not because I want to give myself a name or put a label on myself I don't give a shit about that stuff who cares and i chose you because theirs something about you that just makes me fell a certain way I can't really explain it its frustrating to me maybe one day ill figure it out but until then it's just the truth is I try to stop thinking about you but I can't and I don't know why look I know I've told you about my parents and all but there is a lot of things you don't know about me that nobody knows about me and maybe one day ill tell you but for now ill just keep doing what I do best and that being danger and ridiculously handsome" .He winks at me and i softly smile as i roll my eyes David throws his leg over the window and leans his head out "wait David" I say to him as he leans his head back into my room "yes beautiful" he says raising his eyebrows while smirking " see you later" I say since I don't relly have the guts to tell him I love him even though I do and its way to early to even be thinking about it but what can I do an insanely cute bad boy is in love with me "by Sophie" he sais as he climbs out and runs home as it begins to poor outside. I take a quick shower leaving my hair to dry itself as I sat in front of the window working on my album till I realized it was soon noon my room felt cold so I rummaged through my shirts and found that David forgot his shirt he was wearing yesterday on the floor beside my bed I put it on and smelled like him that calm ocean scent I'm guessing his college I didn't care I love it I kept my spandex on and his shirt that fit me down to my knees. David lived in front of my house I knew that because I could see his room from my window as creepy as that makes me sound. I like to sit and watch outside my window as I listen to music or read a book or draw or whatever David doesn't do much from what I've occasionally glanced at he mostly just lays on his bed smoking a cigarette or plays really loud music as he sits on his computer chair spinning in circles I've only been here for a week but this place is starting to grow on me even though I almost got ran over and all that but it's not a bad phone binged as usual whenever I get a message I looked at my phone and smiled I looked up and seen David laying on his bed looking at mei smile softly at him I could tell he was trying to tease me to make me red because he was pretty much half naked. He winked at me and lowered his shots along with his underwear enough to see his line he stared at me and my cheeks became red hot I hid my face in my arm and I could hear him laugh. For the remaining of the day I just sat around as I watched David slowly fall asleep he looked cute as he drifted off to sleep by then it was about five or six and I was getting tired myself so I fell asleep right on the chair i woke up the next morning and did my normal routine and went downstairs to have breakfast with Bruce. "So what's David been doing here, " he said eating his breakfast I looked up at him and back down at my food I didn't know he even knew about David being here. "Um...i um" i hesitated "look i don't mind you having friends over bit but if your going to have a boy especially one like David because I know how he could be at times just be careful kiddo" he said I nodded quietly "and none of that you know what you kids are up to these days the whole" I cut him off quickly "I get it.. Got it" I say " and if you are using condoms" he sais quickly "ok ok yeah thanks, uncle Bruce thanks".

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