Home At Last

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 sophies POV

tuesday morning I finally got to go home David stayed with me uncle Bruce had to work I didn't mind I knew he had tons to do. I showered and threw on my favorite white dress. "that's a beautiful dress" David said with a soft smile "thank you its my favorite" he stares at me as I brush my hair as I see his reflection in the mirror still staring at me I smile at him and he smiles back with his green eyes shining from the sunlight I walk up to him grabbing his hands he looks down at me and winks. I chuckle as I lean towards him touching my head with his I place my hands on his arms his biceps were big enough for my hands to not fit around them he was strong and for some reason, it gave me comfort to know that. i hear a car pull in the drive way and turn around to see who it was "its my car ill be back" david said walking out my room "who has your car" i said confused "i left it at sages the other day" i grinned "whos sage" he sighs "my friend princess" i follow him to see a familiar face just one ove never met and how did he know where i lived it was strange but not surprising. "theirs my car i thought you were keeping it" david sais with sarcasm the cute blond haird boy laughed "well i thought about it "he said david rolls his eyes and smirks then looks at me "oh sorry um sage this is sophie .. sophie ..sage my best friend" he sais as sage holds his hand out "nice to meet you i held my hand out and he shakes it and smiles "alright well i got to go my moms blowing my damn phone up" sage sais as david chuckles and grabs the keys from sages hand " wait hold on you dont have a car" david laughs "ah im more of the walking type" david nodds his head and laughsas sage walks away " hey lets go to my place he looks at me "ive never been to your house before" he winks at me and smirks "well theris a start for everything right". "ok wait i have to close the door" i run to close the front door and walk across the street to davids house"phils not here" he sais walking in "does it matter " he chuckles "no but its better if were planning on you know" he smirks i roll my eyes "that right there is what got us into the situation were dealing with right now" i look at him"true" we walk in and he takes me up to his room im imediantly drawn to the wall coverd in diffrent music " so much music what are you listening to" i push play on the sterio and a loud blare of rock music comes on i jump from supprise and turn off the sterio" hahaha you ok there" david laighs "haha that was loud " i look at the corner of his top chelf where a cute toy robot sat "aww whats this is it yours" i ask looking at the toy robot "of course i havent played with that since i was eight. " ok letsput that down" he sais grabbing the robot and putting it back on the chelf "ive never seen my room from your side of the view its closer then i thought" david smiles at me and i go back to his wall of music "is rock all you listen to". I ask him curiously "um not really whatever there is what I listen to and what I grew up with"I look at his music and find an elvis presly album "no way you listen to elvis I lobe him"I say pulling out the cd popping it into the sterio and turn to look at him as his cheek blush."why are you blushing"I laugh "im not blushing haha"I laugh and lay on him playing with his lips as he smiles "I love you " I say to him he wraps his arms around me and kisses me then his face falls into serious I get off of him and sit on the edge of the bed. " david are you ok whats worng" he sighs "why ..why is this happening to me " "what is"I say confused "all of this sophie all of this stuff your pregnant for christ sake this isnt suppose to be like this your not supposed to be with me and im not suppose to be a father". "david why are you acting like this hey hey" I say putting my hands on his face as he pulls them away"stop sophie stop, ok I dont need any of this shit I should have walked away a long time ago" he sais with a cold look to him I felt tears come down my cheeks "im sorry sophie im not supposed to be in all of this its not for me". I interrupted him "you made the choice to continue to be with me I didn't make you and how dare you say your not supposed to be a father you had sex with me and chose to stay with me in the hospital I never NEVER made you do any of this so if you want to go then go do it ok do it" David clenches his jaw and I walk out back to my house. I slam the door behind me and the tears fall down two weeks later I finally go back to school pregnant not how I was expecting to go back but whatever I get out of my car and see David pull up with his friends I pretended not to see him as I walk in the school. weeks passed by and its lunch time at school and rainy as well im walking with my book when I trip and fall"im sorry are you ok" along blond haired guy sais and out of nowhere David pushes the people out of his way and helps me up "get out of my way. hey you ok is the baby ok " he sais as I slap his hand away and walk towrds the empty hall way "hey sophie can i talk to you please" he sais following behind me no im busy leave me alone" I say annoyed. " please just listen to me im sorry for being such a dick ok its just im scared ok i dont know anything about babies none the less being a father" i turn around to look at him " your scared really you dont think im scared I have no clue what im doing but you know what its time to grow the hell up and I can use all the help I can get ok david so grow up and stop acting like your some big shit cuz your not your soft and scared ok." I say as he looks at me with his jaw clenched "ok im sorry i wont leave I promise im here threw it all you have my word" he sais looking at me in the eyes "I sigh and look at him " that's great but I don't need your word I need you to show me your gonna do it and I forgive you for being such a dick". He smiles and closes my locker as we walk back outside later that day in my 6th-period history class the last class of the day and the second class I had with David beside art I sat in front of Jacklyn as David sat on the other side of the room in the back. I sat as the teacher talked about controlling the economy as jacklyn turns around and wispers to me "so do you know what your going to name the baby yet" she asked with excitement " not yet I dont even know what im having I hope its a girl though" she smiles and gasps "im totally throwing you an awsome baby shower it's gonna be great I cant wait I cant beleve your having a baby with david salvator I mean hes kind of a pain in the ass but hes... perfect" she sais as we both look at david whos stairing at the pictures on the projector. "hahah ok" i laugh as I roll my eyes i drive home that day and see uncle bruce sitting on the couch watching baseball "hey kiddo hows school" i smile at him "school is school " he chuckles and shakes his head " theirs chicken in the fridge if you wanna make something out of it later on " oh ok thanks bruce" I walk up stairs to my room and put my stuff down to take a quick shower. I sat down on the rocking chair for a while with my headphones on as I watched the trees blow side to side from the wind and David throwing the basketball through the hoop with two sage and his other friend who I think his name was Kacy an hour later I went downstairs to start making dinner when the doorbell rang " ill get it" uncle Bruce said as he opened the door to see David on the other side "David ". bruce said as he sighed "hi um i was wondering if i could come in " i walked to the door "hey come in i was going to start making dinner" i grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen " well ill be in the garage cleaning my guns just holler at me when your done cooking there and have david help you " he sais turning the tv off and walking to the back of the house " haha ok ill do cheif" david kisses my cheek. " i left you a message saying i was coming over about an hour ago" he sais leaning against the counter "sorry i left my phone on the chair in my room i didnt see it um if your going to help me wash your hands first" i say pointing to the sink " alright cool what do you want me to do just chop up the ckicken im gonna do the pasta i get the water under the stove also i get the pan ready for the chicken. david throws the chiken in the pan and begins to season and stir it "you seem to know what your doing i didnt know you could cook " i looked at him supprised " i did it a lot as a kid with phil he taught me how to do all this stuff along with some other stuff " what might that other stuff be" i ask him curiously " that for you to find out someother time" he smiles as he covers the pan of chiken and washes his hands. "are you happy" i ask him raises his eyebrows and looks at me "what do you mean" he asks " well yeah like happy are you happy in the inside out" david sighs and scratches his head " well im not sure i can say that my life has been a lot more simpler then it was back when i was a kid but from my choices it seems like its about to get harder all over again the only diffrence is this thing thats going to cause all this comotion happens to be a little bit of me and a little bit of you so in the end i can tell you its all going to be worth it" he smiles at me as i look down and smile. do you have any idea how beautiful that baby is going to be i mean with my amazing looks wow ...and your beautiful looks of course" "haha yeah its gonna be a beauty" i laugh. About an hour later dinner is ready and i call bruce to come and eat as put bruses plait on the table "alright smells amazing what is this" bruse sais sitting in front of his plait "its pasta and chiken i hand david his plait and grab mine as we both surve our selfs and sit down " i must say you have outdone yourself this chiken is amazing" i smile as bruse and david eat " dont look at me david is the one who made it" "hu is that so well phil is good at teaching i suppose" david chuckles. " thank you mr. wayn" david sais as he sips his water "dont worry about that mr.wayn crap my name is bruce you can use it too" david laughs and nodds his head " you know i knew your parents david long before you were born they were somethihing else they werent always how you rememberd them to be all drugged out and mean" david bites down and sighs " bruce i dont think its apporpriate right now" david interupst me " its ok it doesnt bother me how were my foks back then" he asks. "well they were for one very free almost like risk takers espeshally your father he was carefree and did whatever he pleased whenever he had no shame reminds me a lot like you" david smiles and your mom well your mother was beautiful she had a bit of a temper but nonethe less she looked at things like a once in alife time opportunity, as a matter of fact, i got something for you." bruce goes to the living room and opens a cabnit with pictures and sits back down at the table he hands david a picture of a beautiful blond woman smiling as she stood beside a tall handsome darkhaird man " you look just like your mother david" i say to him stairing at the picture. david puts the picture back down on the table " i wish i knew that side of them " i look at david and he stairs at the picture "david tell me what do you think happend to your parents after that" david looks at bruce confused " what do you mean they were drunks and addicts" no no i mean how do you think they got to be that way" bruce asks him " i dont know .. i guess they kind of realized that having me meant they couldnt live life the way they used to and it made them upset at least thats what my father used to tell me when he was drunk and beating me" bruce looks at david and grins " david the reason why you have that scar on the left side of your face and the scars on your back is because your parents woke up one day realizing that life isnt all what they thought it was and thats when it all fell apart your father became a drunk and your mother became an addict after you were born she was too scared to leave your father and was drowned in gulit so the only thing to do is coke she turned to that to make it all go away they took every amount of anger and guilt on you because they felt ashamed over you your not a bad kid you just started your life looking at a bad one" i look at david as he clenches his jaw and a tear rolls down " you finally know the real reason about your parents its ok to have feelings for them good or bad". david wipes his eye " well thank you for that i now know why they were such dicks to me" i hold davids hand and smile at him later that night i sit on the roof with david as we stair up at the sky "hey there doll" i say looking at him " you ok" he stairs straight at the sky " you know ive never seen that picture of my parents i didnt even know it existed they look happy ive only seen them like that about twice as a kid they were sober and happy for a shot amount of time until it became dark and thats when it all went back to yelling and hitting and the alcohol and drugs.. you know i didnt get into smoking until i was about 13 i was too scared to get into drugs and alcohol because i didnt want to be like my flolks so i figured smoking was the way to go and it helped or so it still does but i probably should stop i guess" i nod my head " sounds like a good plan you can start now by giving the pack you have in your jaket to me" david looks at me with wide eyes as i hold my hand out" he looks down at the pac of ciggarets and back up at me " i just bought thease" i roll my eyes "ha i knew you werent strong enough" he rolls his eyes at me "whatever" " hey david ...are you ok you know with the whole thing that happened in dinner" he grins and shakes his head " im fine its all cool im over it ive been for a long time it just felt real knowing who they were before me and how they got like they were when i was a kid" he sais stairing up at the sky " hey guess what see that star i named it after you" i laugh "hahah no you didnt " he laughs "hahah im serious ... haha ok but I will in the near future you just wait and see just know that that star right there is yours from me to you" I smile at me " ok" I say look 

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