6, in which I learn the price of magic.

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     Matthew helped me furnish the house – I guess the seam down the middle did help – and it proved to be the remedy we had hoped. The longer I could spend my time doing whatever I wanted, running around in something my size, the fewer nightmares I had. Those I did have wouldn't linger in my mind, disappearing as I woke up to my own room.

     I met Stephanie over the two weeks I made the house my home. An equally smart, kind person like her husband. I learned (thankfully) that she had actually handled me initial... making? She had done everything for me until I managed to get some clothes on.

     Thank god.

     They brought me a wardrobe of clothes, things more suited to my own tastes. The button up and sweats were comfortable, but I didn't feel like me. Soon, I had a whole array of sundresses, shirts to layer, and jeans. The chance to choose every morning was wonderful. Though, nothing compared to taking care of my own hair again. When I had been freed, my new body (God, that's an uncomfortable thought) had reversed the damage my rise to fame had done to the natural curls. A ridiculous, fluffy mess on top of my head, refusing to work with any of the hair-ties they actually had for my size.

     I got comfortable with my new world. So comfortable, in fact, that I didn't bother putting on pants when I heard shuffling outside in the middle of the night. I grumbled my way to the window and threw open the shutters.

     "Matthew, I swear"

     The figure before jolted back, and I stared right into the eyes of the Phantom.

     My entire body froze. I couldn't move. This was it, he'd take me back, I had nowhere to go.

     "Shit! I'm so sorry, I'm not-- Nothing's going to happen!"

     He brought himself down to my level.

     My body snapped back to reality, stumbling back until I was pressed against my bed. Outside, the man averted his gaze, looking a little embarrassed.

     This was the moment I remembered I did not, in fact, have pants on.

     That thought sobered me up as I pulled my blanket off the bed. Once I had protected myself in the warmth, I slowly inched closer to the window again. The movement caught his eye, and he did a quick glance at me before running a hand down his face and returning my gaze. The apology was all I could see on his face, a look I never would have expected from him.

     "I wasn't thinking," he whispered, a clear sound in the silent night. "Are you alright?"

     I just stared at him for a moment, not really sure how to respond. Finally, I just squeaked a small, "Hi."

     He offered a hesitant, but warm smile. "Hi. Name's Nate."

     It occurred to me in that moment that I couldn't remember his name.


     We stared at each other, silent.

     "MatPat didn't tell you, did he?" Nate asked, voice still low.

     "Tell me what? That he has a freaking twin here?"

     He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away again. "Not... exactly. It's more complicated than that."

     I leaned back a bit, taking in his appearance. Nate shared his face, even had the same tattoos, but that was about where the similarities ended. I had never seen him out of formal attire. Nate sat there in roughed up jeans, a plain shirt, and a gray over-shirt. If he didn't have a confident expression, it was anger or calculation. Nate just looked... Ashamed?

     Parallels, I realized. They're parallels.

     Everything has a price.

     "This has something to do with magic, doesn't it?"

     He jolted a bit in surprise, then let out a soft laugh. "Yeah. It's something that happens to everyone here. Well, everyone born here, anyway." That tidbit comforted me more than I thought it would. "I don't really know how to explain it. That's usually MatPat's job. Just weird, freaky magic shit."

     I burst into giggles despite myself. Nate gave me a relieved smile.

     "Two sides to the same coin?" I offered. "Or more like, built in magic rivals?"

     Nate's eyebrows rose high on his brow. "That second one. That's... Honestly the best explanation I've heard, can I use that next time someone asks?"

     "How often does that happen?"

     "About once a lifetime."

     It drew a laugh from both of us.

     "So... Matthew has one too?"

     Nate's expression fell as he winced at the thought. "Yeah. Just hope you never meet him."

     Well that was comforting.

     "Seriously, though," he noted quietly. "I really am sorry about this, I should have talked with Mat first. Anything I can get you?"

     I glanced at the cabinets, then shook my head. "I... think I just need to go back to sleep."

     He gave a single nod and went to stand. When my entire body stiffened, he stopped with a small wince. I quickly closed the shutters. I heard him start moving about again after we were out of sight. I pulled my blanket close, returning to my bed.

     I realized this world would take some more getting used to.

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