【1 ~ To: Sony】

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{TW: mention of suicide}

Dear Sony, I have been waiting for your response to my previous letters. Do you not care for me any longer? Do I no longer matter?

Are you happy now? Are you just waiting for my inevitable death?

Sadly, I suppose I am as well.

This has taken over my body. I don't want to do what the others have done in order to survive. I can't.

Does that make me weak...as you said?

Maybe. Probably.

But I cannot do it. I am horrified of myself.

I am going to die, by my own hand. A blade to my throat, a bullet to my skull, a rope to my neck. Whatever will get the job done.

I just thought you would like to know, since you asked for this many a time.

Goodbye my lovely brother.


"Sad." I stated monotonously as I stared at the letter placed between my thumb and forefinger. "The poor man thought someone would care."

Less laughed and kicked the leg of the lifeless body of Marcel. Blood soaked through his sleeves and covered the ground with the red gooey liquid beneath him. I leaned down one this limp body and touched his cheek. He was still warm. "What a dumb bastard." Less said, pulling his hood over his own face and looking around, to be sure no one lurked in the shadows or was watching this scene.

"He was not dumb. He was simply just weak as he said himself. He knew the truth."

Less rolled his eyes. "You don't have to try and sound so smart and stuff, Killian." he told me. "You do have to admit this guy was at least a little bit of a fucking idiot for thinking his brother was gonna be the first one to find and read this damn note."

"Yes. I suppose."

"C'mon let's just...get him to Morgan."

I sighed and nodded, grabbing the dead man's arms and ordering Less to turn around. He did as told, but he looked confused as he probably thought I would hold the arms, and that he would hold the legs.

He was wrong.

I struggled to put the man on Less' back, but I managed. "Ugh. Dammit Killian..." he gagged at the sight of the blood smearing onto his body.

"Stop acting like a pussy. If someone sees us just carrying a guy covered in blood around by his hands and feet we'll get arrested." I used my hoodie sleeve to wipe the blood off of Less, and I tried my best to make it appear as though the dead body of Marcel was a drunken man that we were carrying home.

I looked back at the note he had left behind. "Should we take it?" Less asked, as if he was reading my mind.

"Why?" I asked, though I already knew why.

"In case we ever find out who Sony is."

I shrugged. "We won't, but okay." I responded, picking it up and puttinf it in my hoodie pocket, which I wore daily.

"This is fucked up man." Less held onto the man's legs to make sure he wouldn't fall, and we began walking out of the alleyway.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and began whistling a tune gleefully. Less grunted. He sped up his pace, until he was beside me. He leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "You are enjoying this aren't you?"

"Yeah actually. I always have to do the dirty work." I laughed and continued whistling cheerfully once more.

This is just a random thing I thought of. I literally have no idea what it is supposed to be about or anything but it seems...somewhat interesting to me. Soooo, if you are interested to find out what happens next, tell me in the comments and I will continue this story :)

Alsooooo this is unedited.

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