Chapter Eighteen

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He's spread out on me, still buried deep inside me, he's heavy but it's not uncomfortable. And even though he's still semierect and inside I feel as though he isn't close enough. My hand glides through his silky hair, twirling strands around my fingers, I know what I heard, and it sounded a lot like his own confession. But I'm starting to doubt myself. What if he had said he loved the sex and not me?

I don't particularly know Italian so I can't be a hundred percent sure, not unless I ask anyways. I clear my throat, "So, umm, what does that mean?"

I can feel his smile on my my chest. "Mmm, I think you know what it means." He says, his husky accented voice drawing chills down my spine. My core clenching around his member. He groans, "Baby, don't do that."

My face heats, "I can't help it. I love your morning huskiness."

He grinds in small circles, his manhood expanding, stretching. I moan, "Tell me what you said." It sounds like a beg, which I don't mind because it is.

He lifts his head from my chest, his arms on either side of my shoulders, "You like that, piccola?" He says as he rounds his hips again.

I whimper, "God, yes! I love it so much."

He smiles his eyes mischievous, "Just like you love me, amore?" He doesn't stop his light, shallow strokes, but even slow and shallow have me climbing so close back to that blissful state he always puts me in. My mind is a haze, the impending orgasm the only thing I can think about. I moan again, my eyes closing, my back arching up to him.

"Answer me, Mia. Open those beautiful eyes and tell me what I want to hear, baby." He demands softly.

I do as I'm told and open my eyes, my brows together in pure ecstasy. He pushes deeper, "Yes! Yes, I love you, Dantè."

His head drops just slightly, his eyes never leaving mine. He's watching me so intently, so lovingly. "Fanculo, I love when you moan my name."

Im almost there, so damn close to combustion, "Dantè," I groan a little louder this time, his cock begins to pulse inside me and I know he's close. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss.

It's a plea for him to speed it up and just like he knows my body so well he hears the plea. "I know, gattino." He whisper on a strain, "Cum with me, baby." And with those words we both come apart, his head shooting back as my body arches further into him, my sex clenching around him, milking him.

He slows, his lips lightly brushing over mine before he comes back up to stare into my hazy, adoring gaze. "It means I love you too, Mia." He leans to drop another swift kiss on my lips.

"You do?" I ask shyly.

"Si, bellissima." My arms squeeze around his neck and pull him back down roughly, I smother his face in kisses. He laughs and lets me have my way. God, he really said it back. The thought of him loving me back has me delirious. Deliriously happy.

My stomach doing little flips as I lay them on him, he doesn't fight me or get annoyed he just takes it all in, dropping his own every once in awhile. He's so perfect, "God, I thought you hadn't felt the same way." I say, shocked.

He shakes his head, "I've felt that way for awhile, Mia. Amore a prima vista." He says adoringly. "I was shocked that after what I'd told you you'd still feel the same for me." He strokes my face softly, "I wanted to give you some time to cope with what's going on. To see if you still felt the same way."

I smile softly and lace my fingers through his that's cupped around my cheek. "You're doing the right thing, Dantè." I whisper.

He rolls over onto his back and pulls me into his side, I rest my head on his chest, my hands not seeming to get enough of him as I circle little figure eights into his taut stomach. "Sometimes it doesn't feel like it. It feels like I'm playing with fire." He's deep in thought, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger.

I kiss his nipple, "You are. But it's the right thing to do." I say reassuringly.

His brows draw together, "You're not upset I brought you into this? You and Julian." I flinch at the fact that my little man is possibly in danger too.

But I don't have to think about it for long, I'm not upset, surprisingly. I'm glad he's told me, I'm relieved he's taken Julian away from all this. As much as I want my baby with me I know he's safer with Samantha. He's staring down at me now, a look of regret marring his features. "No," I say resolutely, "It's dumb luck. It's not like you planned us meeting. It just happened. Maybe at a bad time, but I would rather it have happened now than never."

He smiles that breathtaking smile made just for me and I'm a puddle in his hands, "I love you, Mia." Okay now I'm truly a puddle.

My smile is blinding, "Back at you, hotness." I say playfully.

He flips back on top of me and kisses me hard, digging his hands into my sides, tickling me. I'm rolling and bucking trying to get him off, oh god I'm going to pee my pants. "No, stop please, I'll pee." I laugh louder when he digs in harder. Pinning me to the bed with his heavy body. "Oh my god, no!" My giggles coming out breathy as I wiggle around.

He stops and kisses my forehead, "I love to hear you laugh." He says seriously. He gives one last peck on my lips and rises up, "Okay, up. I need to feed my woman now. And if we keep laying here we'll never get out of this bed."

He puts on his sweat pants that are hanging from the chair in his room, I crawl to the end of the bed and lie flat on my stomach, my feet in the air behind me, I give him my best seductive grin, "Isn't that what we really want?"

He eyes me, his brow raised and a smirk playing at his lips. Suddenly there's a knock at the door and I'm throwing the covers over my nearly naked body in a rush. "Si?" He calls out, throwing a white tee on and handing me a matching one.

His mothers voice calls back quietly, "La colazione è pronta."

"Va bene." He smiles down at me again and throws me a pair of sweat pants as well, they're extremely too big. But luckily have a draw string. I roll them up at the tops and tie the string, "See, breakfast is waiting for us." He chuckles. "Maybe next time I'll get a day of you all to myself in this bed."

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