Falling for you | Vision.

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Thanks to user35822163 for this Vision request! I hope you like this!

Warning: Cute!

The various emojis in middle denote time brake/ fast forward/time skip!

"Hey Rylan!" Vision called as I sat on the couch, reading.

"Hey Vision!" I looked up at him and smiled.

"I want to show you something!" He said, excitedly taking my hand. I smiled at how happy he was and put my book down.

"Where is it?" I asked him.

"We need to fly for that!"

"Oh... But Tony would be furious if we did that! You know what happened the last time right?" Tony Stark was my brother and the last time Vision and I went flying with me in his arms, Tony was furious because I hadn't taken any kind of care and he had grounded me.

Vision chuckled at the memory. I swatted his arm. "I can't be grounded!" I declared defending myself.

"C'mon let's go, Vision!" I said walking towards the door.

We went up the elevator to the roof. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded hugging him tightly. And we were off the ground. My grip on him grew tighter but I knew I was in safe hands.

We reached high up from the roof and he stopped there, levitating in the air.

"Oh it's beautiful!" I said, looking at the horizon. The sun was about to set and the sky was a shade of orange with tinge of yellow glow. The city looked calm although we knew it wasn't. Both of us were silent and kept looking at the setting sun.

He slowly glided down and dropped me on the roof. "It was really beautiful and breathtaking. Thanks Vision!" I smiled at him.

I checked my watch and added, "I have to go to the lab!" He smiled at me, looking into my eyes. I hugged him tightly before heading down to the lab.

Vision and I have been best friends ever since Tony, Bruce and I created him. I don't know how it happened. Maybe it's because he saw me first as soon as he got out of the container or maybe something else. But we've been inseparable ever since.

I rushed to the lab and saw Tony and Bruce in a corner, doing some research. I walked over to my table, putting on my white lab coat and glasses.


Vision walked in the lab behind me and said, "Rylan you're working the whole day. It's time to sleep!" His calm voice made me smile.

I kept the test tube down and turned to look at him. "Seriously Vision! I'll go to bed. I need to finish this!"

"You're just like your brother."

"I know that!" I smiled tiredly. He just stood there for a while and suddenly kissed me on the cheek.

"Good night, Rylan!" He flew away.

I blushed as I returned to my test tubes and chemicals. I started liking Vision when we started spending a lot of time together. He was just very caring and loving. He always took care of me and always heard me out even if it was nothing to do with him.

I had busied myself in the lab ever since Tony built it. Tony had taught me a lot of things and so it was really very easy for me and Vision to get along.

I felt someone shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I quickly squinted my eyes as the light was bright.

"Good morning, Rylan. I assume you slept here." Vision's soft voice said.

"I guess I did!" I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"Rylan you're being really careless about your health!"

"Yeah... I'm! I'm a Stark!" I laughed before realising there was a blanket over me.

"Vision did you cover me with a blanket?" I asked, sleep knocked out of me.

"Yeah. This is a cold place and you wouldn't take yourself to bed so..." I blushed hard and mumbled a thanks.


I woke up screaming for a moment. My body was covered in sweat with my T shirt sticking to my back. I wiped my forehead by the back of my hand. The room was dark and I looked at the digital desk clock on my bedside table to see the neon numbers showing 3:00 AM.

That was a really really bad dream. There was a knock at my door and I was scared out of my wits.

"Wh-Who is it?" I asked slowly getting out of the bed.

"Rylan it's me!" I sighed and opened the door. Vision stood there with a concerned look on his face.

"You scared me!"

"You scared me! I heard you scream and you're all sweaty!" He walked inside. I shut the door.

"I had a bad dream! That's all!"

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked getting close to me.

"Uh... No. Thanks!" Being a Stark I had the natural sense of hiding my emotions and not letting anyone in fast. Exactly like my brother.

"Rylan. Maybe now's not a good time but... I love you. I really do and I want you to be safe and careful. I've known you for so long now and I've had these feelings for you."

For a second I didn't know what to say.

"I love you too Vision! You're the most amazing and pure person I've ever met! Thanks for always looking out for me!" I hugged him.

He looked at me and his lips met mine. We kissed softly and it was a small kiss.

"I'd like you to be my girlfriend."

"I'd love you to be my boyfriend!" I smiled and blushed.

"But first. I need you to sleep!" He picked me up bridal style and laid me in bed, putting my blanket over me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, princess!"

"I'll see you tomorrow, love."

As I went to sleep I felt calm and happy. A relationship takes time to develop and it evolves over time if you nurture it right. I'm sure Vision and I have to give a lot of time to this relationship but I'm so happy that we've reached this far.


I hope you liked it!🖤

Sorry for the late updates. I need to set a schedule for this book!

Keep shining!🌻


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