Part 6

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Pandit:Mom..what are you saying?
Shashi:We both think that you and Naina will make a good couple.What's your opinion?
Pandit:I..I don't know dad.I have never thought of marrying Naina.I love her a lot..but as a friend.I never thought that way about Naina.I am sure that even Naina never thinks like that about me. friends can make a good couple.We both feel that you both can make an amazing couple.So is it ok we we proceed with this proposal?

Pandit:Mom...I..I really don't know.

Shashi:Take your own time.There is no hurry.We are sure that you will take the best decision.

Garima:If you think that we are right you yourself talk to Naina about it.After that we will proceed with it.Think about it seriously.
Pandit:Ok...I will.

Pandit could not sleep properly.He was restless thinking about what his parents said.He walked around without any peace.
Pandit:Are dad and mom right in saying that Naina and I should get married?

The next day...

Pandit Naina were in a park.
Naina:Why did you bring me here Pandit?
Pandit:Naina..this is lovers' park.Lovers come here to love.

Naina:But we are not lovers.
Pandit:But my parents feel that we will be better as lovers.
Naina was confused.
Pandit:My parents asked me if I would love to marry you.
Naina was shocked.
Pandit:They told me that best friends make the best couples.So we will make the best couple.
Naina:What did you tell them?
Pandit:I said I will think and take a decision.

Naina was nervous:What did you decide?
Pandit:Naina..we are best friends and we know each other since childhood.A life partner should be the one who understands us the best.No one knows me better than you.And I also know you very well.So I think my parents are right in saying that we should get married to each other.
Naina was shocked

Pandit:What do you say Naina?
Naina was reminded of her moments with Sameer.
She thought:Why am I thinking of Sameer whom I don't know properly?
Pandit:Naina...what do you say?
Naina:Pandit...I need more time. also need to take time to decide like me.Take your own time.
Naina gave him a pale smile.

Naina was spending time with the kids in an orphanage.
The kids:Naina didi...can you tell us a story?
Naina:Why not?
Naina thought of her own life and began to narrate the story:Once upon a time there was a Princess.She was waiting for her Prince.
One kid:Did the princess meet her Prince?
Naina:No idea.Because the Princess is confused who her Prince is.
One kid:Why so much of confusion?
Naina:Sometimes in certain circumstances we get confused.
Suddenly her eyes fell on a boy surrounded by kids and the boy throwing sweets at them making the kids excited.Naina smiled.
Naina:So cute.
Suddenly the boy turned and his face got revealed.Naina could not believe her eyes.
She ran towards him.Sameer was surprised to see her coming towards him.
Sameer:Naina,how come you are here?
Naina:When I was small my parents used to visit orphanages and give donation to this orphanage.After they passed away I myself became an orphan and so I could relate to these kids.I kept coming here and continued the legacy of donation.But spending time with these innocent kids gives me priceless happiness.
Naina became emotional.
Se controlled herself and smiled.
Naina:How come you are here?
Sameer:Your parents used to give donation to this orphanage.Right?Understand that Manoj,Arjun and I owe to your parents and because of some nice people like your parents we are in this level now.
Naina was confused:Means?
Sameer:Yes...we all are orphans who were brought up here.So we keep visiting this place.These kids are our family members.
Naina was shocked.
Naina:I am sorry.I did'nt know that.
Sameer:You have your uncle and aunty who love you like your own parents.But we have not experienced that too.
Naina felt sad.
Sameer:Since we were good at studies this orphanage and sponsors gave us good education in a good school.There we met our best friend Preeti.If we know what parents' love is that is from Preeti's mother Sarla aunty.Her love...affection..and especially the food she prepares with love specially for us are magical.
Naina smiled.

The Heart Is Crazy(Dil To Pagal Hai) SaIna SSWhere stories live. Discover now