Part 11

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The Heart Is Crazy(DilTo Pagal Hai) Part 11

Swati raised her voice:Bhai!
Pandit came back to senses.
Swati:You said you love Preeti?
Pandit was stunned:Did I say like that?
Swati:Yes bhai.You said so.
Pandit:I myself don't know how I said like that.I was just looking at Preeti.

He realized what he said and got embarrassed.
Swati:I don't know whom you love.But i think you don't love Naina.Also seeing her dance with Sameer I don't think she loves you also.I am confused what to do.

But you both take a right decision before it hurts a lot of hearts.

Pandit became upset.
Pandit thought:May be Naina and I are better off as friends.
Pandit went near Preeti. were the dance performances?
Preeti:I would have danced if my health was keeping good.Well.. Sameer and Naina's dance was the best.Right?
Preeti:They are the best couple.I really want them together.
Pandit was stunned:What did you say?You want Sameer and Naina together?
Preeti:Ya...Sameer loves Naina very much.
Pandit was shocked.
Preeti:You know Pandit?I used to feel that I love Sameer.
Pandit was stunned:You love Sameer?
Preeti:I thought that I loved Sameer.But i realized that it was only infatuation.

Pandit was relieved.
Preeti:Love is what is seen between Sameer and Naina.
Pandit:Means Naina also loves Sameer?
Preeti:Of course yes.I have no doubt about it.Naina is your childhood friend.Right?Still you did'nt understand it?

Pandit became dull. parents want me and Naina to get married.They are planning for our wedding soon.
Preeti was shocked:What?Don't do that blunder Pandit.It's Sameer and Naina who have to get married.

Pandit held her shoulders and looked at her.
Pandit:Ya.You are right .Thanks for telling me everything Preeti.You stopped me from doing a big blunder.
Preeti:I don't know how I opened up everything to you.Guess I feel very comfortable with you.Within a limited time you have become my trustful friend.

Pandit became very happy.
Pandit:I am very happy that you consider me as a friend with whom you can share anything.

She smiled,
Pandit Preeti shared a sweet eye lock.

Suddenly they realized that Pandit's hands were still on Preeti's shoulders.
They got embarrassed and Pandit took his hands off her shoulders.
Preeti:Pandit...there is a problem.Sameer and Naina have not confessed their feelings to each other yet.
Pandit:Oh..still they have not confessed?
Pandit:Guess Naina is hiding her feelings because of her commitment with me.Anyways we both will unite Sameer and Naina.

Pandit and Preeti shook hands cheerfully.

Sameer saw Naina at a corner.His face blossomed seeing her

while it was painful for her to see his face.He could'nt take his eyes off her.

Sameer went near Naina while all were busy with eating food.
Sameer:Naina...what happened between us...
Naina was painfully silent.

Sameer was shy to face her.
Sameer:I think what happened between us was...

Naina:Let us not talk about it Sameer.Let us forget it,

Sameer was stunned.
Sameer:But can we just ignore it?
Naina:Certain things have to be ignored.We are working together in the same dance troupe or I am working under you in your dance troupe. That's the relationship we share and it has to remain like that always.

Sameer was stunned.
Sameer:Though you say like this can you just ignore it like that Naina?

Naina was trying hard to control her pain.She was not able to say anything.
Sameer looked at her deeply.
Sameer:I love you Naina.

Naina could'nt believe what she heard.Her eyes got filled up with tears.

She said in her mind:I am supposed to be happy knowing that Sameer too loves me like I love him.But I am not able to be happy because of my commitment.
She suppressed her tears.

She said in her mind:I am sorry Sameer.I can't say that I love you.
Naina looked at him marriage is fixed with Pandit.We will be getting married soon.

Sameer was shocked and shattered.

Sameer looked at her painfully,His lips shivered.
Naina said painfully:Let me go.Let us part forever after the dance show I am committed for you.

Sameer's heart broke severely.Naina walked away tearfully.

Preeti and Pandit watched it secretly.
Pandit:Oh no...Naina..what did you do?
Preeti:This idiot Sameer...Why could'nt he stop her when she walked off?
Preeti looked at Pandit:Pandit...I can't tolerate anymore.Please do something.I can do anything with you for these 2 Dumbos. These 2 lack brain.We need to fix brain in their heads.
Pandit:Chill Preeti...I will talk to Naina and solve this problem.

Preeti:Ok..we need to do something as soon as possible.
Pandit:Yes sure.

Naina and Sameer were thinking of the moments they spent together and shedding tears.
Sameer:Naina..seeing you I realized what a soul mate is and what a life partner is.I fell in love with you only to lose you.This is too much.

Naina:I always waited for my soul dream man.But I found him finally only to lose him forever.What a fate!

Pandit went near Naina.
Pandit:Why are you crying Naina?

Naina wiped her Naina hiding her face from Pandit and lied:I am not crying.
Pandit:I have been seeing you since childhood.Don't lie to me Naina.I can understand every emotion on your face.
Naina looked at Pandit emotionally.
Pandit:You love Sameer.Right?
Naina was shocked.
Pandit:You are upset as I am a barrier between you and Sameer.Right?

Naina became nervous.

The Heart Is Crazy(Dil To Pagal Hai) SaIna SSWhere stories live. Discover now