Chapter 5 - Our First Time

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Almost home , right around the corner , two minutes away , he stops the car , pulls me in and kisses me , unexpectedly while in a daze. He seemed so unpredictable . We smiled at each other , eyes locked and each moment being better than the last. He continued driving and as I saw my house came closer into view I stretched to the back of the seat where I placed the KFC we both earlier , he turned towards me looking in my direction, " I thought you leaning over to give me a kiss , hmmm " he said with a shy smile on his face, " No , I was just reaching for the KFC , besides you're the male initiating the kiss is your job" I replied still reaching in to the back seat.

We finally came to a stop in front of my house , he pulled me in close , and whispered to me , " You need to put that male initiating kiss thing behind you , I want you to kiss me when ever you like." I blushed so much it was physically impossible to hide , then I felt his soft ,moist lips pressed up against mines and hands that held me ever so tight yet gentle.

We said our goodbyes , as he informed me he was attending a party at his school and was going there straight instead of going home , I nodded , placed a last kiss upon his lips and said goodnight , I didn't want to keep him back more than I already did.

My insides were filled with joy . I was extremely happy though I did start to miss him the moment I was out of his presence.

I sat on my bed , thinking of him and couldn't stop. In my eyes he was perfect an I knew from that very moment I wanted him to be mine. I had no logical idea of how I was going about to do this , to me it was like mission " Achieve The Impossible " . He was quite a catch and I have fallen deep in a matter of hours. Usually it takes me months to even like a boy , with him I felt like it came naturally. I laid in my bed for several hours still thinking about him , too excited to sleep . I decided to go watch some T.V.. I flipped through the channels with nothing to watch an idea struck me. I walked over to the living room window and peered through it , getting a clear view of his house I smiled. I took a chair and placed it comfortably in front the window , and the idea was to sit there and stare at his house until he comes home so I can at least see him one more time /: . I knew it sounded crazy but you won't understand the way I feel about him , heck I don't even understand it . It felt a bit 'stalker-ish' but I didn't care I needed one more glimpse of him before I went to bed. I sat in that chair for over four hours and he still hadn't come home yet . Sigh , my mind began to wander on if he's with another girl or home by another girl , i always did have an over active mind but I just could help but think it. I began to come uncomfortable and tired sitting on the chair , just when I got up to go to bed , I saw a light across the road it was him , yes it was , he pulled up in front his house with a car following behind . I had a clear view of him and this was now my secret spot to 'watch him'. I watched as a man came out of the other car and I noticed he and Lorence engaging in conversation and then they both got back in their own vehicles and drove off . "Hmmm , maybe that's his brother and they decided to go out, " I thought to myself aloud .

I decided to go to bed , not wanting to be too tired for gym the next day. I tried my hardest to fall alseep and after a couple of minutes I drifted off to sleep with one person on my mind... Lorence .

Next morning I woke up extremely tired , later than usual as well , but I knew I had to go gym. After doing my morning preparation , I got dressed to hit the gym . Before leaving I message Lorence to see if he was awake and if I should wait on him . After an hour , he still didn't reply , so I decided to go on without him as he might not be going gym today . I left for gym , first time walking alone in about a month , I missed his company so much , it was as if I felt incomplete , nevertheless I tried to put it behind me and concentrated on getting a good workout seeing that he won't be there as a distraction. I arrived at the gym and began my warm up when I heard my phone vibrating on the counter near to me . I quickly attended to it eager to see the message . Yes , I shouted in my head. It was Lorence , he asked if I went gym without him and he said stop and wait for him . I decided to go on the treadmill while I waited on him . About ten minutes running tiredly on the treadmill ,mainly from the lack of sleep i got last night, I noticed his tall ,handsome structure strolling through the gym door and glistening eyes ,positioned in my direction along with a smile that made me die inside with happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2012 ⏰

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