The Children of Hamelin

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The Piper watched the setting Sun touch the edge of the mountains, beyond which everything was only visible as silhouettes. He stood in front of the Civil Hall, his back straight, his piper clenched in his hand. The crowd of the morning was clearing; people were going back to their homes to rest after the intense excitement of the day. Soon, there would be no one about.  

He saw the Mayor come towards the steps of the Hall.  

His breathing quickened. 

He stopped when he saw the Piper, glancing at him sternly.

"You, Sir. Why are you still here? I thought you had somewhere to be." he said. 

"I do, Sir." The Piper replied, his tone was level, but his eyes were blazing with fire. "That is why I am a little bit miffed that I have still not been paid my due compensation." 

The Mayor raised his eyebrows. 

"That again.....My good friend, I thought you had sorted that out with my Chief councilman." 

"We sorted nothing out. He simply told me that you do not intend to keep your word." 

The Mayor chuckled and waved a fat hand in the air. 

"Now, friend. Let's not make accusations. I do believe he simply told you that the amount you asked for was un-payable. We simply do not have the money."  

The Piper's eyes narrowed over the Mayor's gold-lined overcoat. 

"Are you sure, Sir.......? For I am sure, I would get a solid five hundred for that gown of yours. And I am also sure that is not the only one of the kind that you own." 

The Mayor looked offended. He protectively clutched at his coat.  

"Pardon me, Sir. But do you really think I will be giving away something so precious to a..." He darted his gaze up and down the Piper's form, ".....a piebald vagrant! An absolute beggar! Why Sir, I would never do that." 

The Piper's eyes sparkled with silent rage. 

"As I had guessed. You people have no intention of keeping your word. How disgusting." 

"Now, Now, my friend." the Mayor's tone softened. "Why not come inside and have a drink? I am sure we can settle your debt in what say...forty guilders? fifty?" 

The Piper looked up with a blazing gaze. 

"I would, Sir, but I am afraid the moment I take a step inside you would be telling me that the proposal was nothing but a joke and that unfortunately you do not have any guilders left in the entire town." 

" are understandably upset, my friend." 

"Please do not call me your friend. I do not make friends with dishonorable people." 

The Mayor's lips pursed. 

"Are you calling me a man without honor, Sir?" 

"Yes. You and your entire council are nothing but greedy liars who put lining their pockets above their morals." 

"WHY...!" the Mayor gasped, his face had turned red. "Why Sir, you choose to disrespect our kindness and our hospitality, so you shall not be offered any more!" He yelled, turning away from him. 

"If you still refuse to pay me a thousand guilders." The Piper said as a final note. "There shall be a high price to pay." 

The Mayor scoffed. 

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