Bonus Chapter!

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"Cold feet?" 

Will wrinkled his nose at Percy. "No. It''s wedding jitters." 

"So...cold feet." 

Will felt like slapping the raven-haired man in front of him. They've known each other for about 5 years now, and Percy's still haven't lost any of the sass that seems to be jammed into his 6 foot frame. 

"Just like...gods, it's actually happening. I'm getting married. And not to mention - I'm marrying the absolute love of my life. I'm going to build a life with him-"

"Slow your roll, bud." Percy interrupted, patting the creases that appeared on Will's perfectly ironed tux away. "Everything's planned to absolute perfection by the one and only Annabeth. There's literally nothing that would go wrong." 

Will crumpled his face. "Oh, see, now you've gone and jinxed everything!" 

Percy glared at him, exasperated, but the door burst open, Annabeth running in like a tornado. "Percy, we have a problem!" 

Will whimpered, before shooting a 'Whatever this is, it's your fault' look to Percy. 

"The goddamned baker hasn't delivered the fucking cake and he's 3 minutes off schedule!" 

The blossoming flower of anxiousness that bloomed in Will's chest disintegrated. 

"Uh, babe? Maybe they're caught up by traffic. And...can we please not stress the poor groom out an hour before the wedding starts!" 

Annabeth seemed to finally realise the presence of Will. "Oh my gods-. Will! Shit, I'm so sorry. I'll go find Piper to stop me from breaking down. Percy, you stay here with Will and prevent a groom runaway situation." 

With that, she picked up her skirts and left the room with just as much energy as when she arrived. 

He stared after the blonde haired girl, suddenly thankful at how strong and supportive all of his friends were, especially during in such a high-stakes, highly stressing event like this. 

"Hm..I see Jason and Kayla coming along. I think they went to Nico's room first. Oh, wonderful, Jason's got the cuff links." 

Briefly, Will wondered how Nico was doing, absentmindedly playing with the chain that hung around his neck. 


Nico looked up when the door clicked open, and a familiar thick braid greeted him. 

"Hiya losers. Flew all the way in from Africa for this." Reyna gave him a quick squeeze to both him and Hazel. "Can't believe this is actually happening." 

"Right? Me neither. I'm..I'm overwhelmed." 

"That's normal. I'm sure Will's just as overwhelmed. Just keep your head up, alright? It's going to be all okay." 

Nico smiled at his sister, who was fiddling with his collar. 

"Knock, knock!" The door opened for the second time, and Nico glimpsed brown shaggy hair and an all-too-familiar smirk. 

"Leo...fucking...Valdez." Reyna uttered Nico's shock for him. 

Leo grinned sheepishly. "Well, at least you guys didn't beat me up for showing up after disappearing unlike the other room." 

Reyna's shock wore off, and she stood up briskly, slamming her palm right onto his sternum. "How dare you! How dare you, leave us for fucking Singapore and disappear for 2 years without ANY contact and then you show up here like you're entitled-" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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