4.Not Intrested *

904 11 4

^^The author of Not interested 's avatar- a lil edit I made.

Status: Season 2 complete.
Genre:Romance, Comedy, Action
Written by: Madison
Rated(by me): 9.75/10

Short description(by me):
This story revolves around MC-Bree and her main love interest Liam. She is basically a badass but that's until Liam comes.

What I liked: This story is definitely one of my favorites too! There are multiple love interests, It has an amazing plot and is very entertaining and interesting! I honestly don't know what more I can say.
What I disliked: this story without a doubt is one of the best stories I've ever come across, but! Like every story even this one has a downside and that is charector customization. Yes you can customize the MC but not the love interests ( honestly you don't need to , they look like a snack ) and I felt that after Dawson( 2nd love interest) showed up, the story kinda got less amazing. I know many people may not agree with me on that since a lot of you like Dawson more than Liam, ( sorry peeps , but #briam all the wayyy!)but you know, eh.

I totally recommend this story for EVERYONE!

Hey bitches! Please vote for the story you like the most so that other people can see which one is the best!

A/N: Favorite Comedy story?
Mine has to be Not interested and DEAD 7! They are both amazing in their own ways.

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