Initial Encounters

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"Don't fuck this one up, I've had enough of your attitude and your appalling behaviour! I don't even know who you are anymore!" My mother shouted, slamming the door to my bedroom.

The echo bounced off of my black walls, disturbing the band posters statistically pinned up like a game of Tetris, sending a shudder down my dressing table. My mother doesn't have much faith in me...or rather has little to no faith in me. I don't do well in schools. At all. I've been kicked out of all 4 that I've attended so far, I'm now onto my 5th. Last time, it was an all girls school. I don't get on with people in general, they piss me off but, girls seem to be the worst. From the day I was forced to go to that school, one girl, Josie made me feel so small. I hated her for that, she didn't know it bothered me for a few months. The day she found out, she left with a broken nose, a fractured arm and half of her perfectly curled, platinum blonde hair had mysteriously "gotten burnt".

I get into the shower. It's warm and comforting, the bubbles lay softly on my skin and run through my black-ish hair. I say black- ish because I like to experiment. I wrap my hair in a towel and wander over to my draws. I pull out black jeans, fishnets, and an oversized, My Chemical Romance T-Shirt. After drying and straightening my hair, I stick on black eyeliner and black lipstick. Grabbing my bag from the corner of my room and my phone with my headphones attached; I race out of the house.

I walk to the beat of Library Pictures by the Arctic Monkeys, shoving my hands in my pockets. I skulk towards the bus stop, seeing a teen mum holding her baby, as it cries for breakfast, an old man who's reading the newspaper disapprovingly and a young boy, about 10 or 11, holding his phone in a vice like grip, tapping away every few seconds. The bus pulls up and I take a seat, at the back of course, I put in my headphones to drown out the rumble of the engine and stare out of the window as the sun begins tearing through the depressing clouds.

"Mr Lerke" read the sign on the head teacher's door. T'was a swift encounter, It left me feeling underwhelmed, unwelcome and confused as I was holding a timetable listing places i needed to be, but not knowing where these places were. As I was walking I saw a boy, he was tall, slim with dark hair, more than likely an Emo. He was my kind of person. I walked towards him, doing my best not to be my usual self and slap him to grasp his attention.

"Hi, I'm new, show me around?" I said awkwardly, mentally kicking myself for tapping him on the back rather than on the shoulder.

"Course hun, may I ask your name?" He smiled politely, his vampire fangs poking through. I studied his face, noticing his sharp blue eyes and pale skin. He seemed scary to approach but, adorable under the surface.

"Arabella, but I go by Bella. May I have the pleasure of knowing yours?" I winked, easing into friendly conversation, mimicking how he spoke,

"Eli, but I go by Eli." He smirked and took me to my first class which, coincidentally, he was also in. History. The only subject I made time for, the one subject I paid attention in too.

I was writing down why Harold Godwinson lost the Battle of Hastings on the 14th of October 1066, when a figure appeared at the door. His stance was relaxed, almost lazy. His leather jacket portrayed his broad shoulders, his skinny jeans made him look stylish. Must be a dickhead, I thought.

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