Never go clubbing, kids.

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It was soft. It's sang to me, making baby pink colours create gorgeous swirls in my mind. My lips began tingling, it transported me to another planet. Wow.

That's exactly how I described the cupcake Brad gave me after I settled down. He took me in, his house was gorgeous inside, no one else was home in that moment so he took me upstairs.

"Here's some trackies and a hoodie, put your clothes in the basket in the corner and I'll wash them for you." He instructed me before walking out abruptly, leaving me to explore his room and to get changed. His room was a pale blue, his bed sheets were a distinctive grey and the scent of chocolate and citrus filled the room. It smelt like boy. Surprisingly it was neat, neater than I had expected. I get changed, putting my clothes into the brown wicker basket in the corner. I looked into my room next door, noticing I had left the plug on when I was in a hurry this morning.

"You look hot," He remarks, trying to be arrogant but I give him a glare.

"Sorry, coffee??" He asks, slightly politer this time. His eyes had a sparkle that mesmerised me, though I hate to admit it. His lips parted slightly as he waited for an answer and his curls, drying now, began falling round his face.

"I..uh...two sugars please." Why was I being so awkward?

"I would've said you're already sweet enough." He fired back, a cheeky grin was sent my way shortly after. He brought it to me along with the orgasmic cupcake I mentioned earlier. I enjoyed it and every so often, I caught him examining me slightly, looking at my hair, my - his - clothes.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, instantly becoming insecure of my hair or if my make up had run.

"No, you look..uh..." the doorbell rang, not giving him a chance to let me know I looked like a dead rat. I sat back, allowing him to go ahead and answer it.

Brad's POV
She was stunning. Absolutely breath taking. From the little details on her skin to the way she walked in my clothes. What is happening to me? I was about to burst, I had to say something, she seemed slightly scared, almost apprehensive around me and I wanted to comfort her and hold her, telling her how beautiful she me.

The doorbell.

Shit!! I opened it to find James and Connor. I was expecting Tris, but I was soon informed that he had "work to do". Fucking lies.

"Bab...beaut...Bella!!" I finally corrected myself, "two out of the three musketeers are here." She smiled weakly engaging in conversation. I got three beers out of the fridge for me and the boys while she sipped on her coffee; the streams of steam coming up from the mug danced over her skin. I loved that. At a place where everyone else was drinking and messing about, she was content, sitting cuddled up with a coffee, reading. James took me into the kitchen,

"I'm shocked, you're being nice. She"s fit through to be fair, I wouldn't mind..."

"Don't say that shit mate!" I became annoyed with the way he spoke about her, even though I had barely spoken to her, words few and far between, she seemed fragile and kind and sweet and..James' words cut me off,

"Sorry mate, I'm right though."

Bella's POV
"Sorry mate, I'm right though."

I hear James utter as I wander into the kitchen.

"Um, Sorry, where's the sink?" I ask gently not wanting to interrupt or anger Brad. He was being kind and gentle, almost. He probably just felt sorry for me.

"Gimme that," he began "you may look as pretty as Cinderella at the ball, but you won't be doing chores like her." He blushed, I mirrored the redness in his cheeks. WHAT? Well, I was stunned, I simply smiled, but it just got bigger and bigger. A few minutes later, James and Con walk into the living room, giving me a brief hug before leaving. Brad came and sat down,

"Sorry, Bella, it just slipped out," he looked down at his hands, fiddling with his rings. I focussed on his knuckled, they were prominent. He must fight, or train, or even go to the gym. I looked up to meet his eyes, they were compelling, enchanting almost.

"Don't worry, that's the first compliment I've received in a long time." I shoot him a reassuring smile. He edges closer. His head tilts, when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID, Eli. I grab it,

"It'll only be very quick, promise." I answer:

"Hey Hun, what you up to?" He asks innocently. I explain what happened and why I'm at Brad's house. He's shocked to say the least, he tells me to be safe and be sensible.

I sit back down on the sofa. It was so comfy, I felt warm and, could I even go as far to say, I felt safe? I was in his hoodie, his arm gently slung around me, getting tighter every so often. While I was on the phone, he took the liberty of putting on a film, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I snuggled him slightly. I could allow myself to show my weaknesses slightly more when I was around him; I didn't understand it. The end credits rolled and I checked the time, 22:36, I checked my phone, no missed calls. Reluctantly, I tapped on my mum's contact, it rang. Six times.

"What?" Her voice shot, venomously. I could hear speakers pounding in the background. Not again. She was clubbing. There's a lot I haven't explained about my mother. After dad left, she went off of the rails. Drugs, alcohol, sex, even when I was eight, random people I labelled as Dad No.1, No.2 etc would wander around my house. She put herself out there. Completely.

"You coming home tonight?" I ask, bluntly, gaining a confused look on Brad's face.

"Probably not, stay at someone's house or something, I don't care." It wasn't unusual for me to hear these words. Out of anger, tears formed in my eyes, threatening to fall. I could hear a man's voice in the background, she obviously found someone to occupy herself with.

"Change of plan, I won't be home for..." there was a pause, as if she was waiting for a reply, "about a week." Well, "the back door should be unlocked, if not, that's your problem." She slurred her words and giggled as if pleased with herself that she had put me in an awful situation.

"Bye." And then it cut off. I was so loved.
The tears began to fall. Brad rushed over holding me in his arms, I explained, catching my breath every time I sniffled. He told me it was going to be okay, every time he felt me sob he told me it was going to be okay. He grabbed my hand, gently, taking me upstairs, gesturing for me to get into his bed. He disappeared for a few minutes, re-appearing with a hot chocolate and a smile. He got under the quilt next to me, switching the TV on, I hear the Netflix sound, signifying he was putting on a programme, I couldn't concentrate on the TV as I was discarding the left over tears. Yes, I had some to spare.

"Does this happen often?" He almost whispers into my ear, I nod back. "Well, anytime you need me, I'm here or a phone call away. I will never lock you out or leave you. You...damn you are something special, hopefully, I can make you realise that." With every word he spoke, my tears became less and less prominent. I had finished my hot chocolate and was getting tired.

"Where do you want me to sleep?" I ask, groggily,

"In here, with me. I'm not taking my eyes off of you for one second." He says firmly but respectfully. I lay down, the scent of his raspberry shampoo and chocolate spray engulfing me. He takes off his T-shirt revealing his toned torso, I try not to stare. Covering us both with the quilt, his arms snake round my waist, tangling me in his embrace.

I'm safe.

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