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"Jesus fûcking Christ"

I swirled my tongue around this guy's dîck rolling my eyes at how he pathetically gripped my hair.

Now I remember why I don't engage in one night stands.

His annoying groans filled my ears as I took his entire length into my mouth, which wasn't that hard to do, and just like that he came with loud groans escaping his mouth.


I pulled back with a pop and got up off the bed.

I wiped my mouth before grabbing for the dress I wore to tonight's event for my company.

"Where are you going Natalia?"

"Oh. We're finished here"

"Are you serious?"

"Hey, it's not my fault you couldn't last or even satisfy me"

I pulled back on my sparkling gold dress that reached above my knees.

"Fûcking tramp"

I smirked at his attempt of an insult and turned to face him.

"I wasn't the one who kept begging for me to go home with them. Plus, I can't lie and say that your tiny dîck satisfied me. It couldn't reach anything inside of me, therefore I faked my orgasm. I only blew you because I needed this to end quickly. I have places to be in the morning. It's called work"

He rolled his eyes and slumped back down into his king sized bed.

"You know your way out?"

"Obviously. Hope this never happens again. Goodbye Travis"

I blew a kiss and grabbed my small purse, slinging it over my shoulder as I made my way to his front door.

The clicking of my matching sparkling gold heels was the only thing you could hear down the halls of this apartment complex.

I ran my manicured fingers through my now messed up curls and let out a small groan.

I walked towards the elevator and pressed the button waiting for it to get to this floor.

Of course he had to be on the floor right before the top.

There was no way I was taking that many stairs down, not in these heels.

As I waited, I heard yelling coming from one of the rooms just down the hall to my left.

My curiosity got the better of me and I slid my heels off before making my way slowly to the door.

"No! You listen you piece of shît! You had no right to bring that bîtch into our apartment! We may not be together right now Harry but god dammit this is just low!"

I held in the cackle I wanted to let out.

This woman sounds beyond annoying.

"Did you hear yourself just now? Like you said Nina, we are not together right now. Why? Well maybe it's because of what you had done, you bringing that ašshole in our apartment in the first place had caused this whole split. You left first, remember?"

This Harry guy's voice was so pleasing.

The strong accent, the deepness to it.

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