You were sitting on your bed in the CreepyPasta mansion, reading a book. It wasn't very interesting, but you were bored out of your mind. Your reading was interrupted when you heard a knock at the door.
"Come in. It's open." You yelled out.
Ticci Toby walked in, holding something behind his back. "Hey Toby. What's up?" You asked, closing your book.
"No-t much, wh-at ab-out y-ou?"
"Nothing, I'm just reading." You waved your book in the air.
"Oh, I c-an co-me b-ack lat-er the-n." He started to leave.
"Oh, no you're fine. I'm kinda glad for the excuse to stop reading, it's not very good." You said, setting the book down on the nearest table. "C'mere, sit down." You said, patting the space next to you. He sat down next to you, facing you, still hiding something behind his back.
"So, what did ya need?"
"Well I th-ough-t th-at may-be I co-uld a-sk yo-u a q-uest-ion?" He looked at you with hopeful eyes.
He smiled but then looked down at the ground. "Ok-ay...bu-t you h-ave t-o pr-omi-se that i-f you s-ay n-o, we'll st-ill b-e fri-end-s, o-kay?" You smiled encouragingly and nodded.
You were hopeful of what he was going to ask. You had harbored a secret crush on Toby for awhile, but you were friends, so you didn't want to risk your friendship. While others may have found his ticking and hyperactivity annoying, you found it endearing. Even when Jeff or Ben would pick on Toby, you'd be there for him, usually with a plate of waffles in hand to make him feel better. He was sweet and you adored him.
He sighed and turned so that he and you were staring straight at each other.
"K-ay, b-ut, yo-u ha-ve to c-lose you-r e-yes."
You smiled and closed your eyes. You heard a soft rustling, a low creaking from the floorboards and a slight ticking.
You opened your eyes and took in the sight.
Toby was kneeling down in front of you, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers out in front of you. You smiled down at him and opened your mouth to speak, but he began to speak instead.
"[F/n] [L/n], I h-ave l-ov-ed y-ou f-or so-me t-ime n-ow, a-nd I w-as w-onde-ring i-f yo-u'd um...g-o o-ut w-ith m-e? L-ike...on a d-ate?" He stared up at you with big, hopeful hazel eyes through his goggles.
"Yes Toby, I will go out with you!" He grinned through his mask. You jumped up and hugged him. He hugged you back, accidentally dropping the flowers on the bed.
"S-o I t-ake i-t th-at y-ou l-ike m-e t-oo?" He asked you. You pulled away from him and shyly smiled.
"Yeah...I have..." He grinned. "R-eal-ly? W-ell, th-en h-ere." With that he pulled down his face mask and kissed you gently. You were in shock at first, but you kissed him back after a moment. You pulled away for air. "I t-ake i-t th-at I j-ust f-ound m-yse-lf a g-irlfri-end?" He asked you grinning wildly. You smiled and rested your cheek on his shoulder. "H-ey, [Y/n]?" He asked you. You looked up at him. "Co-uld y-ou m-ake m-e s-ome w-aff-les?" You chuckled and headed for the kitchen, with him following you like a puppy.A/N~It's really short, I know. I'll write some more later!
CreepyPasta x Reader
FanficStories about the Pastas and you! <Requests are open!>