Chapter 4

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Coach Ben was the first one to speak up “yyyoou you, you, you, you're a girl?”

It took all I had not to laugh at his stuttered reply. “Yup, that I am.”

All the coaches just stared at me dumbstruck. All of a sudden laughter broke out, I looked for the source and when I found it I raised my eyebrows in question of the coach who looked like he had gone insane.

Finally able to stop his laughing he cleared his throat and came up to me “Sorry about that, I’m Coach Anderson” He stuck out his hand and I took it still very confused. “The reason I burst out laughing is well one because of the faces everyone else made when they found out you were a girl and two for the fact that I didn’t see this coming.”

“I’m sorry I still don’t follow.”

“Well it’s simple really see, I heard there was a Jade Evans coming to this school I just didn’t connect the dots that you’re THE Jade Evans who brought your team to nationals to win at that.”

Coach Ben stepped up “Damn I can’t believe I didn’t notice that either, makes sense though.”

All the other coaches suddenly got it as well and big smiles broke out on their faces as they looked at me. Well that was unexpected. I was sure they would go all sexist on me saying I couldn’t be on the team.

“What the hell, she can’t be on this team she’s a girl!” and I spoke too soon, of course it’s the dunderhead QB Aiden who protests.

I rolled my eyes seriously, do they ever grow up. “No shit sherlock why don’t you point out something that’s not obvious.”

Snickers broke out and Aiden’s face turned a couple shades red. “So you still shouldn’t play on this team, football is a mans sport.”

Some agreed with yeahs, and totallys but most stayed quiet. The big guy left tackle, number 53 stepped forward with a huge smile on his face. “I knew I saw you play somewhere before, I watched a couple of your games before and I recognized your style of play, just couldn’t place it.”

“Well thanks I guess, I didn’t know people watched me that closely.” I scratched the back of my neck feeling awkward.

“Oh yeah by the way the names Max.”

I shook his hand “It’s nice to meet you Max.”

One of the coaches who I have yet to learn the name of yelled “Alright gentlemen” looking at me “and lady, lets get back to work everyone line up on the end line.”

With this drill I had two things I had to do, number one prove to those who don’t believe I should be playing, that I’m just as good, if not better than they are and number two live up to the expectations of those who have heard of me and believe in me.

No pressure right?  I Wish.

We all lined up, some giving me evil glares others encouraging slaps on the back.

This was going to be torture.

Now don’t get me wrong I love running, I wouldn’t be a wide receiver if I didn’t but after a long grueling practice in the hot Texas sun, doing suicides along the whole football field just seems like, well suicide.

All too soon the whistle was blown and we all headed off. The dumb was started at a fast sprint thinking they could get it done with faster while the smarter ones paced themselves better.

At about halfway through all of the dumb was and even some of the smarter ones were lagging threatening to collapse. I was leading the pack with Aiden and Max right behind me.

Max’s extra weight, mostly muscle, was slowing him down and soon he was dropping back. All that was left was to run was from one end to the other and back again.

I went into a dead sprint. Aiden tried to keep up but he soon dropped back too, not able to keep up my pace.

I reach the end and turned back for the last part, I notice most of the guys had given up and those that hadn’t were walking or pretty damn close to it. Hell even Aiden and Max were dragging their feet pretty much giving up.

But not me, I had a lot to prove and dammit I was going to show them. If possible I started running even faster.


When I was little I was always running away from all my brothers. As the youngest and the only girl whenever anyone of them was bored they would come and chase after me. When I was little it was easy for the older ones to catch me, but as time wore on I got faster and faster. Soon enough when I was twelve none of them could catch me.

Now don’t think they weren’t fast because they were. Most would say they were the fastest runners they had ever seen, but I was faster.

One day we were playing in our backyard, I don’t remember how but it turned into a game of chase ‘Jade’. Whenever my dad retold this story he would always say that he thought at any moment I would sprout wings and fly, I was that fast.

As the years moved on my legs grew longer, my feet pounded the ground in stronger and more confident strides. I left even the most trained runner in the dust. No one could catch me.

Give me a football and tell me to run down field, avoiding the opposite team, I’m pretty much unstoppable. There has only ever been two people who have ever caught me, but they are not important right now.

*end flashback*

So running like I had seven crazy ass brother on my tail I passed the finish line. Slowing to a walk I held my side, leaning over as I tried to catch my breath.

Many people came over to congratulate me on my awesome run, including coach Anderson.

“Well damn girl, I knew you could run but I didn’t know you could run that fast, has anyone been able to catch you?”

“Only one in an actual game.” I barely got it out still panting hard, god why did I push myself that much.

“Must have been luck.”

“No, he’s good.” It felt like the world was spinning. A crowd was forming around us, I felt like I couldn’t get enough oxygen into my lungs.

“Hmmm, well if he was good enough to catch you I must have heard of him. What’s his name?”

I tried to straighten up so I could look at Coach A when I told him, I sucked in a deep breath “Shit” and with that my legs gave out and everything turned black.

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