Chapter 1

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Moving day... Great (note the sarcasm). I didn’t want to leave I love it here in Tennessee. I have friends here a good life and most importantly I was going to be captain of the football team once it started up again. That’s right I said football, oh and by the way if you didn’t already know I’m a girl. My name is Jade Evans, I’m 17 years old and I was going to be a senior at West Brook High but now me and my twin brother Trevor and I are going to have to start all over again in a town called Forrester in Texas (not real place).

The reason we are moving is because all six of my older brother all went off to college and since we have family in texas that's where we went. My mom was probably just lonely . Apparently me, Trev and my dad weren’t enough to keep her from having empty nest syndrome which honestly I am not surprised about. The two oldest Kevin and Eric are twin like me and Trev, then there are the quadruplets Adam, Barry, Parker and Dylan, they are only a year younger then Kev and Eric and a year older then me and Trevor. SO with the six of them gone I have to admit even I was feeling a little lonely. All of us kids were at least six feet tall, me being the shortest at exactly six feet and Adam being the tallest at six feet six inches. Me, Trevor, Kev and Eric all had black hair while the other boys were blond. Trevor, Adam, Dylan and Parker had blue eyes while the rest of us had green. Kev and Eric were the only identical ones in the group. All of us were tan and toned, not one ounce of fat in sight. Which when you think about it makes sense because we all live and breathe sports.

All of us can play any sport we put our minds to, but of course we have our favorites. Kev likes ice hockey best while Eric does lacrosse, Adam is amazing at baseball, Barry rules the soccer field, Parker does basketball, Dylan is in love with crew, Trevor could wrestle anyone to the ground and of course I love football. Sometimes my parents joked about how they should have had one more kid to make a whole baseball team. I think they actually would have if it wasn’t for my moms track recorded with NOT having just one kid at a time.

All my older brothers had already gone to college getting a scholarship to play in their favorite sport. But don’t mistake us as dumb jocks every last one of us got straight A’s even in our AP classes. Hell if we got anything lower than an A on our report cards mom would take our sports away from us and NONE of us could live without them. My Dad owned a big company while my mom was his Vice Pres. Even though they had demanding jobs they still made sure that at least one of them was at almost all of our games and with eight of us you could only imagine how many games that is.

Back to me now. As you can imagine with all the testosterone in my house I really didn’t have much of a choice but to be a tomboy. I think my mom wanted me to be a girly girl but thats just not me. I do however wear all the things she buys for me because I would feel bad if I didn’t. I get crap by the boys because of it but I don’t care I look hot and I know it. I have a body any girl would kill for and trust me when I say I flaunt it. Well when I feel like it.

At my old school all the guys there were fine with me playing football because I had been play with them since we were like ten. Really to them I was just one of the guys. I know some of them thought I was hot and wanted to ask me out but with seven very protective brothers they had to have balls the size of New York City to even think of asking me out. So at the age of 17 I have still not had a boyfriend as well as I still have not had my first kiss.

Now back to present day. I heard a car honk outside, I thought it was my mom but when I looked outside to see the silver chevy truck I squealed a little in delight and ran outside. I Jumped on the first person out of the car which just so happened to be Carter, I then went on to hug Jake, Lindsey and Emily as they walked out of the car when that was  done I spoke up “What our you guys doing here our goodbye party was last night and y’all said bye to me there.”\

Emily had tears in her eyes always the emotional one but I loved her for it. “Well we all thought about it and we don’t know when the next time we will see you is so we just had to come and see you one last time.” She said and she wiped the escaping tears away.

The others nodded in agreement. Carter brought out a football from the truck with a bright smile on his face “Yeah besides we had something we wanted to give you.”

He held out the football and upon closer inspection I jumped for joy. I looked up at him hopeful and said “Is this what i think it is?”

He chuckled at my eagerness but answered my question “Yeah it’s last years winning championship ball. I talked to coach about it and he agreed with me, it belongs to you” I opened my mouth to speak but he held up his hand effectively shutting me up. I could have sworn I heard Trev say in the background ‘I have to learn that trick’ but I kept my attention on Carter. “Before you protest and say that it belongs to me just as much as you that’s complete bull. I fumbled the ball in the most crucial point in the whole game, if it hadn’t been for you picking up the ball and running it down the field for the winning touchdown we would have lost.”

I just pouted knowing that if I tried to protest that point he would just argue right back. You see Carter being the quarterback put a lot of pressure on him and he had cracked in the last few seconds of the game. I was lucky enough to have been near him during the play and was able to grab the ball and score. That was the only mistake he had made the whole game but of course he would never let it go.

I looked at the football still in his hands and realized there was no way I could pass up the opportunity to have it. Looking t it again I noticed the signatures on it “Hey did you guys sign it?”

This time Jake spoke he was on the football team to but he played in the defensive line. “Yeah all the guys on the team signed it.” He smirked at me, uh oh this could not be good, “Now this way when we all go pro you can say you say you knew us.”

He sure was one cocky bastard, I hit his arm. He barely flinched but I knew it hurt. “Yeah sure bud whatever helps you sleep at night.” I was getting more sad by the second knowing soon I would have to leave them soon. As soon as I thought that my mom yelled at me to get in the car so we could hit the road. Holding back tears I hugged all of them one last time. At this point both Lindsay and Emily were bauling. I plastered on a fake smile saying one last goodbye running to the car. I sat down next to Trevor, he took one look at my now tear streaked cheeks and pulled me into a hug. “I don’t want to go.” I choked out.

Trevor just held me tighter whispering “I know, me too” into my ear. Mom and dad looked back at us sadly know we didn’t want to leave but also knowing we didn’t have a choice. Because not only were we moving because of family we were also moving because the branch of my dad’s company in Texas was having some trouble and he and my mom needed to help out.

The ride was quiet with only the radio playing in the background. Me and Trevor leaned on each other and soon both of us were fast asleep.

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